How To Get Rainbow Instagram Story?

Here's How To Get The Colorful Circle On Instagram!

You must have seen the colorful circle on many friends’ Instagram stories. Do you what does that mean or how to get rainbow Instagram story? As you know, June 1st marks the beginning of pride month. Instagram is one of the best platforms to show your support. They also consulted the National Center for Transgender Equity (NCTE) to add more relevant hashtags. Some of them include #genderqueer, #gayvisibility, #twospirit, and #pride2022.

In this guide, we will discuss how to get rainbow Instagram story and how to get a colorful text on your story, and also how to add rainbow-colored hashtags to your posts.

How To Get Rainbow Instagram Circle On Story?

How To Get Rainbow Instagram Circle On Story

There are two ways to get the rainbow circle on your story. One is you can use the hashtags to support the LGBT Community. Second, you can use the pride color sticker on your Instagram story. If you use any of the two ways, you will get the rainbow Instagram circle on your story. Here’s a list of hashtags that you can use on your IG story:
















Steps To Add Pride Stickers On Instagram Story

1. Tap on the “plus icon.”

2. Tap on “Story”

3. Click a picture or select the picture that you want to add to your story.

4. Tap on the “sticker icon.”

5. Then choose a sticker with the pride colors. Tap on the sticker to add it to your story and finally tap the “add story” option.

How To Get Rainbow Text On Instagram?

Here’s how you can get the rainbow text on your Instagram story:

1. If you want to get the rainbow text on the story, you need to type in the text first. Select the text that you want to color.

2. Tap on the color dot on the right so you can drag it.

3. Press any color. Once you do so, a palette of colors will open. You can now make your text colorful on your Instagram story.

How To Get Rainbow Hashtags On Instagram?

As you know there are two ways to get the rainbow circle on your Instagram story. One is, that if you use the hashtags in your story, you will get a colorful ring over the story. Similarly, if you use those hashtags below your post, those hashtags will automatically appear in the pride colors. This means that you are using these hashtags to show your support for the LGBT Community.


Now that you know how to get rainbow Instagram story, you can use these ways to get the colorful circle. Also, learn how to make and use the latest avatar on Instagram.