What Is Hypesquad Discord?

Discord Hypesquad is just like a group of other social media platforms. This comprises people who are extra enthusiastic about the Discord platform and its users.

Anyone wanting to join this squad can’t do it. Because when you say you are hyped, Discord says, “test to see how hyped you are”  to see if you fit the eligibility criteria. This was the gist of Discord Hypesquad, and you must read on to know more.

Everything You Need To Know About Hypesquad Discord

As you know, Discord Hypesquad is a group made for enthusiastic users, and not everyone can join it. It has two categories: Hypesquad Houses and Hypesquad Events. The platform takes a little test of the user to decide which category the person fits the most. 

Hypesquad Houses

There are three kinds of Hypesquad houses:

  1. Hypesquad brilliance
  2. Hypesquad bravery
  3. Hype squad balance

These houses have bit similar structures but are different in color and shape. Also, when you give a test, your performance decides which house you will go in. You need to answer five simple questions, and you will be joined.

Hypesquad Events

Hypesquad Events are different houses because it has some real things. When you give a test, you get selected easily if you provide the answers correctly. However, when it comes to events, you have to be top-hyped users to get chosen for this. People who get into Hypesquad events get amazing goodies and swags too.

What Are The Types Of Discord HypeSquad Houses?

Well, what Hypesquad you want to join is completely up to you. However, hype squad houses are somewhat easy to join. And here, we have explained the meaning of these houses.

Hypesquad Brilliance– People considered patient and disciplined will most likely add brilliance houses. 

Hypesquad Bravery– This house represents confident people who can lead groups. 

Hype squad Balance– Balance, as the word says all. People who are balanced in brilliance, bravery, and decisions are selected for this house. 

How To Join Discord HypeSquad?

After knowing what Hypesquad Discord is, here are the steps to join them. 

  • Open the Discord application on your desktop.
  • Head to the user setting at the bottom.
  • Scroll down, and tap on the Hypesquad option on the left panel.
  • Now, click on the Join Hype Squad option.
  • Once you do it, a quiz question will appear on the screen.
  • Give the quiz test and see what house you got.

Here we have explained everything you need to know about Discord Hypesquad as a beginner. So, if you consider yourself an enthusiast, you must try the quiz and see how much you actually are! Once you are part of the squad, you probably meet a bunch of skilled gamers. If you feel like connecting with them, here’s how to send a friend request on Discord. 

Shivani Rai: