Discord ID Lookup: Everything You Need To Know!

Discord lookup is a tool that gets you detailed information about Discord users, including all the below details:

  • Date when their Discord profile was created.
  • Profile picture and banner.
  • Badges that they have earned.

Also, do you want to know more details about a Discord server? Discord Lookup will tell you how old a server is. So let’s further learn how to use this magical tool.

How To Use Discord Lookup?

Before you learn how to use Lookup, you must know that you need to find the person’s Discord ID. If you do not have user ID Lookup, you won’t be able to use this tool. Here’s how you can use a use Discord ID lookup to find the details that you are looking out for:

1. Open Discord and sign in to your account.

2. Right-click on the person’s username to copy the Discord ID.

3. Open Discord Lookup.

4. Paste the Discord ID you copied in the user ID / Any ID section, and finally click ‘lookup.’

Finally, you can see the profile picture, banner, badges, and the date when the user joined Discord.

Also, if you want to find out the server’s details, you must follow the same steps.

How do I find someone using Discord ID Lookup?

You can find someone who’s not your friend on Discord. But you need to know the person’s Discord ID. All you have to do is copy their unique ID and paste it on Lookup.

Can you find Discord user lookup by name?

You will need a person’s Discord ID to find a user’s details on Discord. You cannot find someone with their username. Discord ID and username are two different things.

Now that you know everything about Discord ID Lookup, you can find everything that you want to know about a user on Discord. You must know their unique ID to find the age of the user’s account or the server.

All you have to do is copy the user ID and paste it on Lookup.

Anasia D'Mello: