How To Create A Business Facebook Page Without Personal Account?

Are you one of those people who never bothered creating a Facebook profile for themself? Now with no Facebook account under your name you are wondering how to create a Business Facebook Page without a personal account.

The problem with that is that there is no way to create a Facebook page without a Facebook profile, but there is a way to make that personal profile private. That way it’s just there for the purpose of your page and no user will be able to access your personal information on Facebook. So go ahead and create a Facebook page and invite people to follow it!

So let’s see why you need a business Facebook page and how to create a business Facebook page without personal account:

Why Should You Create A Facebook Business Page?

As a brand or a business, you will find a significant percentage of your audience on Facebook. Facebook will be that one social media platform that everyone from everyone is on. Even if you think you won’t be able to find your target audience on Facebook, it is one of the top platforms to run ads. If you decide to leave out Facebook from your marketing strategy you will end up missing a lot of potential clients. Having a Facebook page for your business will give your business a better reach. Even paid marketing on Facebook is affordable to all businesses. So, learn how to create a business page and how to run ads.

For those who don’t have a Facebook profile and don’t wish to have one, you can create an account under a fake name but it is highly unrecommended. Facebook’s privacy guidelines could catch you with a fake account and remove your business page making all your hard work go to waste. So instead create an account under your own name but make it private.

How To Create A Private Facebook Account

We answered your question ‘How to create business facebook account without personal account’ with ‘You cannot’ So now let’s see how to create a private FB account.

To create a Facebook profile use your own name and information so it’s legitimate and easier for you to recover your business page in case something happens. We will set the account to private so your information will be safe. Let’s see how to create a private Facebook account:

  1. Open Facebook on your desktop or mobile phone and click on ‘Create new account’.
  2. Add in all your details and click ‘Sign up’   
  3. You will get a confirmation code on your email or phone number, enter code and click Continue.
  4. A pop-up will appear confirming your action, click Ok.
  5. Next click on the dropdown button at the top right corner of your screen and then click ‘Setting and privacy’
  6. Then select ‘Privacy checkup’ and from the 5 options set the privacy settings to your liking.

You can hide all your personal information from everyone. You can choose to keep strangers from sending you a friend request. Make your profile as private as you want from here.

How To Create A Facebook Business Page

Once you’re done with creating your Facebook account and adjusting the privacy setting to your liking it’s time to create a Facebook page for your business. Let’s get started:

  1. Open the Menu on your home page and in the right dropdown titled Create click on Page.
  2. Add in all your page’s information and click on ‘Create page’.
  3. Once your basic page is created you will be able to add a cover image, profile picture, and any additional information you want.

Make sure you add all the necessary information while doing your Facebook business account setup so that visitors will be able to trust your page and get in touch with you if needed. Once your business page is live and active use Facebook Business Manager to keep up with your page’s activities and response from the audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Does A Facebook Page Have To Be Linked To A Personal Account?

Yes. You need to have a personal account to set up Facebook business page.

Q2. Can I Delete My Personal Account On Facebook And Keep The Business Page?

No. If you delete you Facebook profile your page will also get deleted.

Q3. Can I Have 2 Accounts On Facebook?

You can create more than one personal account on Facebook but it is against Facebook rules. So if you do that there is a chance that your account will get deleted.

Q4. How To Make A Facebook Business Page?

Create Facebook business account by following the steps mentioned above.

Q5. Is a personal account necessary to have a Business Facebook Page?

Yes. Not having a valid Facebook account while creating a Facebook business page is a violation of the Facebook policy.


So here’s the answer to your question about how to create a Facebook business page without personal account. There is not really a way to get out of creating a Facebook profile to back your Facebook page because Facebook wants to maintain the authenticity of Facebook business pages.

So, create a private account on Facebook by clicking on ‘Create new account’ > fill details > Sign up > enter code > Continue > Ok. It would be okay if you’re not active on it. It would just be there to manage your business page. But you would find having a personal profile useful to promote your business page after you make a Facebook business page. Even if public pages no longer have likes on them!

Don’t try to find a way around creating a personal account on Facebook if you want to create a Facebook business page. Just create a private Facebook profile and keep it hidden. Creating a business page from your Facebook profile is easy! Open menu > Page > Create Page. You can design the page however you like it.

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