How To Grow A Facebook Group?

If you are a group admin on FB and see a drop in engagement, you need to understand how to grow a Facebook group. As you know, this is one of the best social media platforms right now to get your engagement game stronger. If you are sharing many posts and updates and yet have no engagement, then there is something that you aren’t doing right!

You can only see the number of likes and comments diminishing day by day. Why is that happening? You might be branding and promoting your products, but you aren’t getting the expected response and feedback that you need! As a Facebook group admin, you must be giving your 200% percent and yet wondering why your community on FB is not reacting. You must be making some mistakes unknowingly. But don’t worry; we are here to help you improvise the mistakes that you should avoid if your engagement is decreasing. Also, we will share tips that will help you to understand how to grow a Facebook group.

Mistakes To Avoid While Managing A Facebook Group

If you have owned a FB group for a very long time and have yet failed to get the engagement your page deserves, then here are some common mistakes you must be making. Of course, you must unknowingly make these blunders, thinking that these will help you get your group members active. But again, this might be something that is turning things off. So here are some mistakes that you should avoid making:

  • Motivational Posts: Every morning, waking up to motivational quotes is good, but do you think they are engaging enough? Your group members will reply with many congratulatory comments and ‘you got ’em’ type of comments, which is not engaging. If you are posting many motivational posts, these are acting as conversational killers. For instance, if you are posting your motivational story, you might receive a lot of compliments in the comments. But if they fail to begin with meaningful conversations, the motivational posts aren’t letting grow Facebook groups.
  • Posting Irrelevant Pictures: This is yet another mistake many brands make. If you are going to ask a relevant question that is important and related to your community, suddenly upload a post that is entirely out of context. For instance, if you start a conversation about a new product launched in the market that can benefit the group members, do not post an image of you or your team. Instead, if you are posting a photo of the product, that would be relevant to the conversation and will increase engagement.
  • Excessive Branding: If all your posts, images, and quotes are spilling branding day in and day out, this can get boring for your group members. They might lose interest in interacting because all they see is your branding. They are there to know what your brand offers, but that’s not the only thing they are looking for.
  • Publishing Coaching And Instructive Posts: Constantly, if there are instructional posts, people stop engaging with your posts. For instance, if you keep sharing services and products that you sell, there will be no engagement after a certain point in time. They are here to have a conversation and discussion, which is a two-way thing.
  • Not Setting Clear Boundaries: If you have not set clear boundaries for your group, your members think it’s OK to post anything anytime. However, set rules like sharing promotional posts and links are not allowed.

How To Grow A Facebook Group?

You now know all the don’t; let’s understand how to grow a Facebook Group:

Create Content That Drives Engagement in Your Facebook Group

If you have been sharing many motivational and coaching posts, you will know that’s not bringing you any engagement. You need to start having meaningful conversations to increase interaction in your Facebook group. If you want to create content that drives engagement on your posts, then keep the idea of discussing at the top of the list.

If you are a health and fitness brand, relate to people’s problems. You know it’s not easy to set a goal and achieve it in a split second. It takes time and dedication to get to a healthier lifestyle. Encourage your members to be themselves, so they feel they belong to a brand that understands them.

Start Meaningful Conversations

Here’s how to grow your Facebook group by having conversations. There are many ways to initiate a conversation on your Facebook group. For instance, you can ask people for advice and their opinions about the new services you are about to develop. This will help you to get engagement, but also you get insights that will help you in improvisation.

Depending on the type of group you are managing, you can ask people to share about the projects they are currently working on. This will hold your group members’ attention, and they will keep watching the space to learn about the other group members.

You can also ask some questions about the tools used while developing their product or services. For instance, if your Facebook group has many writers, you can ask them to share the name of the tools they use to correct errors. This helps in keeping all the group members active. Also, this will help you understand why they are a part of your group and what you can do to hold them to your group.

Set The Group Culture

If you do not set the group culture, your group members will think it’s normal to post anything at any time. You need to have a set of rules and a tone of conversation in place. Once you define your permission, you need to specify them in your content. For example, you can make a video where you explain it. Also, add it to your feature section; it’s the first thing that people see when they visit your Facebook group.

Reply To Comments To Encourage Engagement In The Group

Are you thinking about how to grow your Facebook group by replying to comments? If you are posting questions on your Facebook group, make a point to respond to the comments. Every time you respond to comments, it invites more people to participate in the conversation.

Also, if you want people to interact with you personally, you need to respond to commend from your personal profile. For example, if you are posting on a page, you should reply to comments from the page. But if you post from your personal account and leave the group so others can handle the comments, this will affect the overall engagement algorithm. If you want to grow Facebook group, you must interact.

Convert Your Members Into Customers

If you are still thinking about how to grow my Facebook group, then this is the answer! One of the best ways of converting your Facebook group members into your customers is by adding them to the email list. People might ask you about the email you sent them. For instance, if you are a fitness brand and have made a protein bar, explain what the snack bar offers to your community. You can do this once or twice and treat them like billboards. This won’t bring you much engagement, but your email will act as a reminder!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the benefit of having a Facebook group?

Ans. If you have a buisness, you can use Facebook groups to help you attract new customers, engage with the customers and support and grow the community.

Q2. How do I boost a Facebook group Post?

Ans. You can use the Facebook ads to boost a Facebook group post. Start meaningful conversations and share content that drives engagement in the group.

Q3. Why is nobody seeing my Facebook group posts?

Ans. You must check if you have set the privacy settings to “closed” or “secret” then your post will only be seen by the members of your group currently. So if you want to reach out to a lot of audience you need to keep your posts open to everyone.

Q4. Who legally owns a Facebook group?

Any FB user can create and manage multiple Facebook groups. If you are an influencer, you can also craete a public figure Facebook page to build your personal brand. So if you are creating a group, you become the legal owner of a FB group.

Q5. How many followers do you need to monetize on Facebook?

Ans. If you publish videos from a page that has atleast 10,000 followers, you will be eligible for monetization.


If you are a Facebook group admin, you will know how difficult it is to manage a page with no engagement. But now, since you know how to grow a Facebook page, observe your actions and analyze the mistakes. Try to rectify these and use the tips to grow Facebook page. Also, as a group admin, you must be noticing negative comments; here’s how you can ban trolls from your Facebook page.

Anasia D'Mello: