How To Remove Likes On Facebook?

You tap on the thumb icon to show your appreciation towards the posts that your friends or the pages post. If you no longer want to like any post or page, you can choose to remove likes on Facebook.

With this feature, you can unlike pictures, videos, posts, and pages that you have liked or reacted to. Here’s a guide that will take you through a complete process of how to remove likes on Facebook.

How To Delete Likes On Facebook? (iOS and Android)

If you want to unlike someone’s post, you can remove likes on Facebook. You can use the app on iOS and Android to do so:

1. Open the Facebook app and sign in to your account.

2. Now, tap on the hamburger icon and select settings & privacy.

3. Scroll down and tap activity log under your information.

4. Now select interactions to remove likes on Facebook.

6. From the list, choose likes and reactions.

7. Now scroll and find the post which you want to unlike. Once you find the post, tap on the three dots.

8. Finally, tap, unlike.

9. If you want to delete likes for multiple posts on Facebook, you need to select those by ticking them. Once you’ve selected all the posts you want to unlike, tap remove. You can also remove Facebook reactions.

How Do You Delete A Like On Facebook? (Desktop)

Deleting a like on Facebook is pretty much similar for desktops and phones. It’s just the interface that makes it complex. But don’t worry; we’ve got you covered; here’s what you must do to remove likes on Facebook.

1. Open Facebook on your preferable browser and sign in to your Facebook account.

2. Now click on your profile icon on the right side.

3. Choose settings & privacy and then click activity log.

4. Select interactions on the left side menu.

5. Under interactions, click likes and reactions.

6. Now scroll down to the post which you want to remove like on Facebook.

7. Click on the three dots beside it.

8. Finally, click unlike.

9. If you want to remove likes on Facebook in bulk, you must click on all or select the ones that you want to unlike.

10. Finally, click remove.

How To Delete Liked Pages On Facebook?

If you do not like the feed that you once liked from a page, you can unlike it, so it no longer appears. Here’s what you must do:

1. Open the Facebook app and tap on the search icon.

2. Now enter the name of the page that you want to delete like on Facebook. You can also tap on the page’s name if it appears in your feed.

3. Now tap on the thumb or the like icon.

4. Finally, tap unlike.

Though you can unlike all the posts on Facebook altogether, you cannot remove likes on Facebook for multiple pages that you have liked. But you can view the list of pages you have liked and then compare them one by one. If you still receive posts from the page, which is very unlikely to happen, you can block the page on Facebook.

It’s not as difficult as you thought to know how to remove likes on Facebook. You can unlike the posts or reactions anytime you want. And further, if you do not want to view their posts, you can block them on FB.

Anasia D'Mello: