How To See Old Stories On Facebook?

If you want to repost or view the stories that you posted on Facebook in the past, you must know how to see old stories on Facebook. If you think you have to contact Facebook to find old stories on FB, you are wrong! All you have to do is open the Facebook app and tap on your story. Each and every story that you have posted on FB will be visible on the story archive option.

This platform also keeps track of the posts that you have posted in the past. Unlike Instagram, this app reminds you of what you posted years ago on Facebook in the form of memories. You can share them again on your feed whenever you want. Isn’t this one of the best and of unique features that Facebook has? Let’s further understand how to see old stories on Facebook through the app

How To Find Old Stories On Facebook? (PC)

Facebook is such a vast platform that if you might get lost finding the story archive FB feature. But here’s how to find the stories archived on Facebook on the desktop:

1. Open a browser of your choice and sign in to your account.

2. Click on your “profile icon” on the right.

3. Now, click on the “three horizontal dots.”

4. Select “stories archive” from the option.

Once you click on the option, you will see a list of stories that you have posted on Facebook in the past. When you click on a story, you will be able to see who viewed your story, even after it is deleted after 24 hours.

How To See Story Archive On Facebook? (iOS and Android)

Finding the story archive FB feature on the desktop is a little difficult. But that isn’t the case if you are using the app. Here’s how to see archived stories on Facebook on the Phone:

1. Open your Facebook app and sign in to your account.

2. On the feed page, you will see all the stories that your friends have posted. All you have to do is tap on “create story.” Or even if you have uploaded your story, you have to long tap on “your story.”

3. A pop-up will appear on the screen; you need to tap “story archive.”

Now you will see a list of archived stories on Facebook!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can you see someone’s old stories on Facebook?

Ans. No, you cannot view your friends or anyone’s old stories on Facebook.

Q2. How can I see a story on Facebook after 24 hours?

Ans. As you know, stories disappear after 24 hours on Facebook. But you can see your old stories in the story archives. You cannot see someone else’s story after 24 hours.

Q3. Where can I find the story Archive?

Ans. Open your Facebook app and tap on ‘create story’ or on the story if you have uploaded one. You need to select story archive from the pop-up menu.

Q4. Do Facebook stories disappear?

Ans. The stories on Facebook are available for a short span of 24 hours. After the completion of 24 hours, your story disappears and stays in the ‘story archive.’ You can view your old stories there whenever you want.

Q5. Can Facebook stories be recovered?

Ans. Once you delete the story on Facebook, you cannot recover the story. You need to upload the story again.


Wasn’t it easy to understand how to see old stories on Facebook? All you have to do is go to your story archives. You can delete unwanted stories from the archives whenever you want to. Also, if you want to reshare the story, you need to take a screenshot of the story and upload it again.

Also, if you want to avoid sharing the same story twice, that is, once on Instagram and the other on Facebook, you must link your FB account with Instagram. This will make it easier for you to share stories on both platforms at the same time.

Anasia D'Mello: