How To See Sent Friend Requests On Facebook?

Did you send someone a friend request on Facebook that you want to find now? Are you wondering how to find sent friend requests on Facebook? It is easy to see the friend requests you have sent out on Facebook. So today, let’s see how to see sent friend requests on Facebook.

Facebook has made it extremely easy to find friends from all over the world. You can easily get in touch with friends on Facebook and chat with them in the DMs with Messenger. All you have to do is connect with your friends by adding them as friends. Once they accept your friend request, you will be mutually connected, and it will make staying in touch with them really easy.

Let’s see how to see sent friend requests on Facebook:

How To See Sent Friend Requests On Facebook On Desktop?

Here’s a step-by-step process of how you would check friend request sent on Facebook from your desktop:

  1. Open Facebook and click on Friends in the left column.
  2. Go to ‘Friend requests’ and click on ‘View sent requests’.

A list of all the friend requests you have sent so far will open up. You can choose to cancel your friend request from here.

How To Find Sent Friend Requests On Facebook On Mobile?

If you use the FB app on your phone, follow these steps from your mobile device to see sent friend requests on FB:

  1. Open FB and tap on the hamburger icon at the top-right corner of the screen.
  2. Select Friends and then tap on ‘See all’ to see the friend requests you have sent.
  3. Tap on the three dots at the top right corner of the screen and then tap on ‘View sent requests’.

You will see all your sent friend requests on your Facebook app. Even here you get the option to cancel any friend request you might have sent in the past.


1. How To Check Sent Friend Request On Facebook?

You can go to the Friends section to see all the sent friend requests. Follow the above steps for a detailed explanation.

2. Why Can’t I Friend Request Someone On Facebook?

If someone has a certain privacy setting, it might prevent you from sending a friend request.

3. How Do I Cancel All Sent Friend Requests On Facebook?

There is no way to cancel all sent friend requests at the same time. You will have to cancel each friend request individually.

4. How Do You Cancel Friend Requests On Facebook?

Tap on the cancel button next to the name for whom you want to cancel your friend request.

5. How Do I See Sent Friend Requests On FB App?

Navigate to the Friends tab to see sent friend requests on the Facebook app. Follow the above guide for a more detailed explanation.


Facebook makes it easy to find a sent friend that is sent anytime you have been using the platform. You might’ve sent a friend request to a friend to connect with them, but later, for some reason, you don’t want to connect with them anymore. In this case, canceling a sent friend request on Facebook is extremely easy. All you need to do is open Facebook > Friends > Friend requests > View sent requests on the desktop.

If you’re using Facebook on the phone, you can follow these steps open Facebook > hamburger icon > Friends > See all > three dots > View sent requests. Following these steps will take you to a list of all the people you have sent friend requests to. From here, you can also cancel the sent friend request by just clicking or tapping on the cancel button next to the name of the person.

So to conclude, this is how to see sent friend requests on Facebook. Similar to how you send friend requests to connect with friends, you can send your friends invites to like or follow your Facebook page.

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