How To Snooze Someone On Facebook?

If you have a friend constantly posting pictures on Facebook and spamming your feed, you must know how to snooze someone on Facebook.

You have different options to get rid of the person, but snoozing and muting are great because they won’t let them know that you have restricted them from appearing in your feed. However, you can snooze a person for only 30 days. So if you want to exceed the time limit after 30 days, you must enable it again.

This blog will walk you through the complete guideline on how to snooze someone on Facebook, along with the un-snoozing guidelines.

How To Snooze on Facebook App?

After you snooze someone on Facebook, you won’t see anything they post on your profile. And by any chance, if you wish to know what they have posted recently, you can search for the person and snoop into their profile.

1. Open the Facebook application.

2. Scroll down on your feed to find the account you want to snooze and tap on the three dots icon.

3. You will be shown the snooze for 30 days option with the account holder’s name. For example, you’ll find snooze Carole Baskin for 30 days. You must tap on the option.

How To Snooze People Sharing Someone Else’s Post?

When you see people sharing someone else’s posts, you get the option to snooze both users on Facebook. Check out the steps to know how you can snooze both users together:

1. Navigate to the picture the user has shared and tap on three dot icons.

2. You will see options to snooze both users: the person the account belongs to and the user whose post is shared.

3. Select the one you want to snooze, and you are done.

Learn How To Un-snooze Someone On Facebook

Use the following steps to unsnooze someone you have mistakenly snoozed on Facebook.

1. Open your Facebook and on the home screen, select any post to unsnooze.

2. Go to the three dots icon, and tap on manage your feed.

3. Under manage your feed, tap on the snooze option on Facebook.

4. Once you do it, you will see people you have snoozed.

5. Now, tap on the end snooze button to unsnooze them.

How To Mute Someone On Facebook?

Sometimes you want to escape completely from an annoying friend on FB, and snoozing the person isn’t enough! But don’t worry, Facebook allows you to mute them to save your social life! Here’s how you can mute them on FB permanently

1. Open Facebook, and go to the profile of the person.

2. Tap on the friend’s button on the screen.

3. Select the unfollow option, and that’s it.

Now you have a clear idea about how to snooze someone on Facebook. So, whether you have to snooze the person or get rid of them forever temporarily, you have solutions for both. Besides snoozing, you can also block them if they are intolerable.

Shivani Rai: