How To Use The Facebook Split Payment Feature? Pros & Cons.

Meta’s leading social vertical, Facebook and the Messenger app, have been increasingly doing rounds of upgrades recently. In one such feature-packed update, Meta is rolling out Split payments for the US audience! The Facebook split payment feature allows splitting bills in group chats to be evenly and customizable. Let us understand how to use this feature in 3 simple steps.

How To Use Facebook Split Payment Feature? (Android/iOS)

Here is how you can split payments in the Messenger app.

  • Download/update to the latest version of the Messenger app. (play store/app store) and log in using your Facebook credentials.
  • Open the group chat where you’d like to split the bill.
  • Tap the + icon in the group chat, select the payments tab, and then hit the Get Started button.
  • From here, you can customize and evenly distribute bills among all – or selective participants of the group.
  • Next, type a personalized message, enter your payment details, and send the request.

All your Facebook friends with the Messenger app on their phone can easily add payment details to send and receive money.

Key Advantages Of The Messenger’s Split Payment Feature

  1. With Split Payments, Messenger is the first in the prominent messaging service domain to develop such a feature. Earlier, people had no option but to switch to third-party apps like Splitwise to split expenses with friends, roommates, et cetera.
  2. With this social media integration, split payments will not only improve on the accessibility front but also drive more people towards online banking. This is great for both digital literacy and financial awareness.
  3. A digital resource such as split payments in the financial space will give rise to more messaging services and VoIPs to introduce such features in their apps.

Fundamental Limitations of FB’s Split Payment Feature

  1. The number one limitation of this service is that users need the messenger app to use this split payment feature. This means that people who don’t have a Facebook account cannot use it. And even if they have one, they would precisely need “the messenger app” (not the Messenger Lite!) to try the feature out.
  2. You must be in a Facebook group to find and use the split payment feature. Unfortunately, there’s no update regarding when this will be made available for one-on-one chats.
  3. The Facebook split payment feature is currently only available in the United States. So if you are anywhere outside the US territory, you won’t be able to use the split feature functionality.


Meta has become the first company to introduce split payments in the entire voice-over-IP ecosystem. Moreover, unlike many updates, Facebook split payment feature is launched and available for both Android and iOS at the same time. For any queries regarding this blog, please drop us a line in the comments below.

Ashwin Sharma: