What Does ASL Mean In Snapchat?

Have you reached a text from a random person on your list and ever wondered ‘what ASL does mean in Snapchat?’ We use so many slangs and sometimes forget what it means. Irrespective of the platform we use, now we are habituated to using short forms of words. For example, Suppose you are in between the meeting and receive texts; you simply type the TTYL message, which means Text to you later. That was easy to figure out. But what does ASL mean in Snapchat? Let’s further find the answer to this question:

What Does ASL On Snapchat Mean?

If you search for the meaning of this term, you may find more than one of the meanings of this acronym. But on Snapchat, this term might have two different meanings, depending upon who sent you or whom you received it from.

Firstly, ASL means “Age, Sex, Language. Suppose you receive this from a random person who is not added to your Snapchat list, then the person is asking about your age, sex, and language. You can reply :

Person: ASL?

You: 21, Female, London

And if you are interested in taking the conversation forward even you can ask the same question!

ASL also means “As Hell.” You may use this term to describe something. For instance someone send you a snap of the sunset, you can reply, ‘Beautiful ASL!’

How To Use ASL On Snapchat?

There are two ways to use this on Snapchat:

The first is, replying to a random person’s message. Suppose if some random person adds you back on Snapchat, you can simply send the ASL text. This acronym here means “Age, Sex, Language” Thats only if you are interested in talking or interacting with the person.

Secondly, if you are talking to your friend and want to describe something,, you can use “ASL.” This term here means “As hell.”

For instance, if your friend asks: How was your day?

You can reply: Tiring ASL! This means Your day was tiring as hell.


Now that you know what does ASL mean in Snapchat, you do not need to answer every random person that texts ASL! This might be a scam. Also you do not need to be precise when you answer it if you choose to reply to random texts. But if the person share mutual friends with you, then it is fine to share your accurate information. Did you loose your streaks with your friends and do not know what to do? Learn how to get the streaks back.

Anasia D'Mello: