How Do Streaks Work On Snapchat?

Are you wondering what streaks are on Snapchat and how do streaks work on Snapchat? We will walk you through a complete guide on Snapchat streaks in this guide. Snapchat is a powerful social media tool that is particularly popular with today’s youth. It may even be perplexing if this is your first time using it. To assist new snapchatters, we’ve put up this comprehensive explanation that explains what streaks are, how they operate, and more.

What Are Snapchat Streaks?

Do you find yourself snapping at one person more often than the rest of your friends? If Snapchat has given you and your special friend a flame emoji for your conversations, it implies you’re on a Snapchat streak (aka a Snapstreak). Though many Gen Zees adhere to the Snapchat streak regulations somewhat obsessively, you may be unaware of the potential of the all-powerful Snapstreak. If that’s the case, here’s Snapstreaks’ first rule: Enormous power is accompanied by great responsibility.

If you see the flame emoji (also known as the “hot” emoji) next to your friends’ Snapchat names, it signifies they’re on a Snapchat Snapstreak, and you should congratulate them.

Finally, Snapstreak is the app’s closest approach to a social game. The “reward” is an emoji indicating that you have a Snapchat BFF who cares about you enough to give you perfectly filtered photos every day.

If you want to keep Snapstreak alive and well, you and your companion must maintain Snapping each other every 24 hours, according to the Snapchat Support website. So make sure you don’t miss a day. Otherwise, your hard work will be for nada. And, once again, just conversing with your pal does not qualify. Also, find out how to get the streak back on Snapchat. 

How Do Streaks Work On Snapchat?

To even begin a Snapstreak, you must Snapchat a buddy at least once in 24 hours for three days. Doesn’t it seem a little pointless? It certainly is if you’re attempting to reduce your screen time. However, if gold star sticker-like emoji prizes entice you, you could return every day to send a Snap — even if it’s simply a photo of your wall or the top of your head. (Rule #2: Simply chatting does not qualify.)

When you first start a Snapstreak, you will notice a number next to the flame emoji. Snapchat’s Snapstreak page reads, “The number next to the informs you how many days you’ve been on a Snapstreak.” “For example, if you see an ‘8’ next to a friend, you’ve both Snapped (not spoken) back and forth for ‘8’ days.” To make things even more thrilling, if you’ve been on a Snapstreak for 100 days, a little “100” emoji will appear next to your friend’s name. So sit back and relax as the numbers rise, and let Snapchat give you more exciting emojis as you continue the streak. Similarly, find out what smiley emoji mean on Snapchat. 


Snapchat users love streaks. When they earn more streaks in their account, it makes them happy. On that note, we hope we were able to provide you with a clear image of what Snapchat streaks are and how does streaks work on Snapchat.

Sonam Badia: