How To Setup StreamLabs OBS For Live Stream Video?

If you’re into streaming, you’re probably aware that you’ll need a unique stream key to broadcast content on networks like YouTube, Twitch, or Facebook. As a result, you must select one or the other to broadcast your content. Today, in this guide, we will show you how to use StreamLabs OBS to live stream your videos on social media platforms.

Streamlabs OBS is a popular streaming video application that is simple and well-designed. Streamlabs is a free download that is based on the open-source OBS Studio.

Let’s look at how to get Streamlabs OBS up and running and ready to stream or broadcast.

How To Use StreamLabs OBS To Live Stream Your Content?

Download And Install Streamlab OBS

You’ll be asked to link any existing streaming accounts when you first launch Streamlabs OBS. If you already have them set up, you can do so or add them later.

Import OBS Studio Profile 

The next stage will benefit OBS Studio users who have invested a lot of time and money on profiles, Scenes, and other settings. Streamlabs OBS will let you import all of them if you choose to. If not, you have the option of starting over.

Set Up Camera And Microphone

Streamlabs, like other broadcasting suites, will recognize the equipment you’re using automatically, but if you’d want to change it, go to Settings, the cog symbol on the bottom left of the screen.


The layout editor is the windows-like icon on the bottom left. This is a friendly drag-and-drop approach to reorganize things without having to painfully resize windows if you’re used to having your workspace set up a certain way. You may select the layout style and the parts or panels you want to be easily accessible.

Add Sources

Your audio and video sources will display under Sources whether they are auto-detected or manually set up as mentioned above.

You can add more by clicking the + sign next to Sources and selecting from the drop-down menu.

The typical choices are available, such as Browser Source, which allows you to stream a browser window. In addition, media Sources will enable you to add pre-rendered images and video, Game Capture, etc.


It’s best to log in with a social media account (Twitch, YouTube, Facebook). Go to the bottom left of the page and select Log in above the settings cog. You’ll need to authorize the account you wish to connect with, so carefully read the conditions.

After you’ve done this, you’ll see that an icon to launch a dashboard has appeared in the bottom left menu of Streamlabs OBS. This dashboard will open in a browser window above your software.


Making your broadcast or recording appear fantastic is half of the enjoyment. To begin using a theme, go to the upper left corner of Streamlabs OBS and click the icon.

You’ll notice that you can browse scenes, widgets, and site themes. You may also narrow down your search by the live broadcast you’re running, with some available alternatives included if the others don’t quite fit.

Concluding Thoughts

This guide will quickly help you learn how to use StreamLab OBS if you are a beginner. We’ve only scratched the surface of what Streamlabs OBS is capable of, but hopefully, you now have enough knowledge to get started with your broadcast, stream, or recording. Plus, you can learn to update StreamLabs OBS in easy steps.

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