How To Write An Effective Customer Feedback Request Email?

A feedback request email is a strategically curated message that asks customers for their input after they’ve attended an event, purchased a product, or used a service.

Companies that sell products and services frequently send out feedback request emails. This email allows them to learn what their customers like best about the company as well as what needs to be improved — it’s a win-win situation for everyone. Small businesses, freelancers, and even influencers should adopt sending out feedback request emails as they help you learn what you are doing right and what you need to change to improve.

In this article, you will learn why sending feedback request emails is a great practice, how to write an email asking for feedback, and a few feedback email copy examples that we love. Oh, and a special bonus of feedback asking for email templates that you can use as it is.

Why Are Feedback Request Emails Important?

  • Helps marketers in identifying the issues that customers have when using their products: Marketers get an opportunity to learn about the customer experience and tailor their efforts accordingly. Thus helping them focus their efforts in the right direction.
  • Enables a business to find new opportunities: Getting feedback from customers can help marketers gain novel insights as to how their product/service is being used, what improvements are required, and the customer perception of the product and the brand. This insight can unearth a sea of new opportunities in terms of product improvement, new products, and even marketing ideas.
  • Businesses can use it to improve their products and services: Customers can provide suggestions on how to improve a company’s goods and services because they engage with them more frequently. When businesses use this information, they can expect more customers to stick around and more prospects to convert.

How To Ask for Customer Feedback Via Emails Politely?

While writing an email intending to ask for feedback from your customer, you need to keep a few things in mind; the most important tip in writing a feedback request email is to keep it short and to the point. Nobody has the time to read a long paragraph about why you are asking for feedback. Keep it short and state all the points clearly. There are a few other tips that will help you write a good email request for feedback from your customers:

  • Use Personalisation: Using the customer’s name in the salutation conveys to the reader that you are explicitly interested in their feedback. This helps in eliciting a response from the customer.
  • Write a Clear Subject Line: A good subject line ensures that your email gets opened. Make sure your subject line includes how long it will take for the user to complete the feedback process. If you are providing a discount or any other incentive to the customer for filling out the feedback form, then mention it in the email subject line.
  • Include a clear CTA that explains what the feedback is for: CTAs in feedback request emails should be straightforward so that readers can figure out what to do next quickly. It’s particularly beneficial when linking to a third-party poll.
  • Emails should be brief and specific: Excellent feedback request emails are concise and to the point. The fewer questions you ask, the more responses you’ll get from customers. Aside from that, the email should state the nature of the comments.
  • Make sure they understand how long it will take: Having a clear idea of how long it will take to finish the feedback encourages the reader to take action.
  • Offer an Incentive: Customers will be more likely to respond to feedback response emails if they are rewarded. It demonstrates their importance and the value of their time. Gift cards, genuine merchandise, special product discounts, and other incentives are some of the options available to a business.

Best Feedback Customer Email Examples

Here are the best customer Feedback asking email examples that will inspire you to send feedback emails of your own.

  • Son of a Beach

The following customer feedback email is one of our favorites. It checks every box of our how-to-write the best feedback request email list. It is short and simple. It explains why the brand is asking for your feedback, and it offers an incentive to get the reader to take the desired action. And to make it even easier for the consumer to drop a review, the brand has incorporated the feedback process in the mail itself. The reader doesn’t have to go to any external link to give their feedback; they can easily do it from the mail.

  • Thumbtack

Start off your email with a bit of personalization. It might seem unimportant, but trust me, it’s not. The straightforward approach of this feedback email copy makes it super effective and one of our favorites.

Feedback Email Templates

  • Asking for feedback from customer email on product/service

Subject Line: Are you able to complete our 2-minute survey? (Enter for a chance to win 20 dollar as a  gift card)

[Customer’s name],

Thank you for putting your trust in [Brand name]! We’d be glad to hear your thoughts on our [product/service]. Your input will help us decide which features to add and how we can improve the product for you.

Please take 2 minutes to complete our survey. [When you finish, your name will be entered into a drawing for one of fifty $35 Amazon gift cards.]

Thank you once more!

[Fill Out Our Surveyy]

[Your name here]

  • Customer feedback via email on customer onboarding

Subject Line:  How was your experience with[Brand name]? (4-min survey)

We hope you’ve had a good time learning about our product so far. We’re devoted to assisting you in maximizing the capabilities of our platform so that you can [grow your business with us]. That is why we require your assistance.

Could you please take a few moments to complete our survey? Our inquiries are centered on your training and onboarding sessions so that we can learn what works best for you. It should only take about 4 minutes in total, but it will be really beneficial to us.


[Take Our Surveyy]

[Your name here]


To summarise, the following are some helpful ideas to keep in mind while sending feedback request emails:

  • Send feedback request emails as soon as possible after the event to ensure that the recipient has a clear recall and can respond appropriately.
  • Give an estimate of how long the process will take.
  • Tell the audience how you’ll put their suggestions to good use.
  • After you’ve improved, ask again to be sure you’ve grasped your clients’ needs accurately.
  • Make emailing feedback requests a part of your marketing plan by automating the process.
Deshna Jain: