Can You See Who Views Your Instagram?

Can you see who views your Instagram? This is one of the questions that almost all IG users might have! You want to know how to see who stalks your Instagram. Is your ex still checking out your posts on Instagram? Or is the stalker that texted you the other day still ogling over your IG stories. If that’s the case, you must know how to block the person from viewing your Instagram story. But can you tell who looks at your Instagram? Is that even possible? If yes, then how to see who viewed your Instagram? Let’s find out the answer to ‘Can you see who views your Instagram?’

Can You See Who Views Your Instagram Profile?

Instagram does not allow users to find out who viewed their Instagram profile. So if you have viewed someone’s profile and have not engaged with the posts or viewed their stories, the person won’t know that you have viewed their profile. But there are some third-party apps that help you know if someone is stalking you on Instagram.

How To See Who Views Your Instagram Profile?

Instagram does show you the list of Instagram accounts that have viewed your story. But no feature on Instagram shows how to see who stalks your Instagram. But if you want to know how to see who viewed your Instagram, there are third-party apps that will answer this question. Here’s a list of apps that will help you to find who is stalking you on Instagram:

Visitors Pro App

If you are an iOS user, this app can help you see who viewed your Instagram. First, download this app and allow it to collect all your IG data. Then, after some calculations that the app does, it will tell you the number of people that have viewed your IG profile.

Analyzer Plus

This is yet another app that tells you who is stalking your IG account and engaging with your posts. It also notifies you of the unfollowers and people admiring or viewing your Instagram profile.

Profile+ Followers Insights

The name of the app says it all! It gives you a detailed insight into your Instagram profile and your followers. Provides a detailed report about the number of people that have viewed your IG account. It also tracks and analyzes your followers.

Stalker Who Viewed Instagram

As the name suggests, this app will closely monitor your stalkers! Along with viewing the stalkers, you can also block or remove them from your list! The cherry on the cake is that it has a very user-friendly interface!

InMyStalker – Who Viewed My Profile for Instagram

Yes, this app answers your question about who looks at my Instagram. Like the others on the list, this app allows you to see who stalks your IG profile.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can apps tell you who stalks your Instagram?

Ans. Yes, there are some apps that tell you who stalks your Instagram account.

Q2. Who visited your Instagram profile?

Ans. Though Instagram does not allow you to view who has stalked your Instagram profile, it does show you the names of the people that have viewed your story. You can use the third party sites to know who has visited your Instagram profile.

Q3. How can I see who stalks my Instagram for free?

Ans. There are some free apps that will help you to know who stalks your account. Stalker: Who Viewed Instagram and Influxy some free apps.

Q4. What is the best app for Instagram stalkers?

Ans. These are some of the best apps to find Instagram stalkers:

Visitors Pro App
Stalker Who Viewed Instagram
InMyStalker – Who Viewed My Profile for Instagram


Now that you have an answer to your question, ‘can you see who views your Instagram?’ and you know that Instagram does not have the feature yet! But the list of third-party apps is the answer to how to see who views your Instagram profile! Also, find out how to see who shared your Instagram post.

Anasia D'Mello: