How To Find Live Videos On Instagram?

Are you wondering how to find live videos on Instagram? Do you want to see and listen to your favorite celebrity, be it an actor, singer, or sportsperson, live? Well, we don’t know if you’ll ever meet them in person! But here we are talking about live streams on Instagram that’ll give you this opportunity. Guess what? You also stand a chance to say what you want while they are live on Instagram!

There are two ways to find live videos on Instagram:

  1. Through notifications on your phone
  2. Find Instagram live videos in the stories

Well, if you’re still confused, we’re here to help you understand how to find live videos on Instagram.

How To Find Instagram Live Videos?

As we discussed above, there are two ways to find live videos on Instagram:

Find Instagram live streams through notifications on your phone

Well, you need to follow the person on IG to know when they stream live. Once they start, live streaming will receive a notification on your phone that they are live! All you have to do is tap on the notification to join their live session on IG.

Discover Instagram live videos in the stories

Also, when you open your Instagram app, you will find a rainbow circle around their profile icon along with the word ‘live.’ To join the live session, you need to tap on the profile icon, and you’ll join their live session.

How To Find Random Lives On Instagram?

Since Instagram disabled the IGTV feature, finding random lives on Insta became difficult! But we’ve figured out a hack that will help you to find random live sessions on IG. Here’s how to do the impossible:

You need to have access to two accounts on the same device to watch random live videos on Instagram. 

1. Open your Instagram app and tap on the plus icon.

2. Start a live video from one account.

3. Tap on the “share icon” in the corner and share the live video on another account.

4. Tap on the “cross icon” to end the live video.

5. Now open the other account’s DM section to find your live video.

6. It says that live is over. You need to scroll down to find random live videos on Instagram.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can you search for live videos on Instagram?

With Instagram removing the IGTV option, searching for live videos is impossible. You need to follow the person to get notified about their live session on Instagram.

Q2. Where is IGTV on Instagram?

In 2020, Instagram removed the IGTV option from the app. So you will no longer be able to access the IGTV option.

Q3. How do you watch a live video on Instagram without following?

If you don’t follow the person, it’s difficult to know when they come live on Instagram.

Q4. Can you watch someone’s live without them knowing?

When you join a live session, the person who started the session and the other people in the session can see your username. But if you want to watch their live video without them knowing, you must wait for them to end the live video and share it on Instagram. You can go to the reels tab to see their live video.

Q5. How do you browse lives on Instagram?

You cannot browse live videos on Instagram. But you can search for the name of the person whose live video you wanna watch. Open their profile to see if their profile picture has a colorful circle along with ‘live.’

Now you have an answer to how to find live videos on Instagram! When they go live, you will receive a notification on your phone. You can also open the IG app and search for their live video in the stories. We also discussed how to find random videos. You need to have two Insta accounts to use this hack.

This platform has constantly worked on improvising the app and making it user-friendly. The notes and the collaborator feature are some notable new updates on Instagram.

Anasia D'Mello: