How to Get Unshadowbanned on Instagram In 2024?

Instagram shadowban can affect anyone. Except for your present followers, it makes our accounts invisible to the rest of the world. As a result, your reach drops significantly, and subsequently, your engagement rate and following on the photo-sharing platform. An Instagram shadowban can last anywhere from a few hours to several months. So it’s imperative that you find out how to get unshadowbanned on Instagram.

Sometimes it can just simply be a new algorithm update but there is always the possibility of your account being shadowbanned by Instagram. Oh, we know what you are thinking, how to find out if your profile has been Instagram shadowbanned? There are a few simple ways to find out if you’ve been shadowbanned like checking out the hashtag page of a hashtag you have used recently. If you don’t see your post on the hashtag page then your fear has come true. You have been IG shadowbanned! 

Scary, isn’t it? Well, not nearly as much as it sounds. You can undo this atrocity on your beloved Instagram profile using a few strict guidelines below.

This article explains what helps lift the Instagram shadowban within a few days, based on our research and what users have reported all over the Internet.

How To Get Unshadowbanned On Instagram?

Tip 1: Backoff from posting on Instagram for a couple of days

According to most users who feel they’ve been shadowbanned, taking a break from Instagram was the most effective remedy. For a fresh start, avoiding the app for a few days is well worth it! Users noticed changes after 3 days of complete inactivity. You should stay off of Instagram for more than 3 days to lift the Instagram shadowban.

Tip 2: Delete all hashtags from your recent posts

Using banned or blocked Instagram hashtags on your posts can also get your account shadowbanned on IG. Instagram has started blocking hashtags that have spam and irrelevant content. If you have mistakenly used banned IG hashtags on your post, then that might be the cause behind your Instagram account being shadowbanned. Deleting all the hashtags from your posts can help convince Instagram that your account is legit and not indulgent in spammy activities.

There must be no blocked hashtags present on your Instagram account for getting unshadowbanned on Instagram.

Using many hashtags that are irrelevant to your posts can also put you at risk of getting shadowbanned. If you are shadowbanned by Instagram, it’s better if you don’t use any hashtags for some time. And when you do start using the hashtags again, ensure you are using just the right amount of hashtags and not overusing it.

Tip 3: Contact Instagram To Get Unshadowbanned

Getting in touch with Instagram is difficult, but it’s one of the most effective ways to remove your ban. Contact IG using the following ways:

  • Use the “Report a problem” option on the Instagram app
  • Send an email at
  • “Send a message” from the Facebook app.

While addressing your issue to Instagram, don’t use the term shadowbanned. Don’t say”I’ve been shadowbanned on the platform”, instead phrase your concern as “I can’t find my posts on the hashtag pages.” 

Tip 4: Stop Commenting, Liking, or DMing Like a Bot

If you like and comment on hundreds of posts in a single day, or if you follow and unfollow a large number of people in a short period of time, Instagram is likely to suspect you of using an automated bot. Instagram has a strong stance against bots. If your account is suspected of being used by a bot, it will be temporarily blocked from completing any actions and maybe shadowbanned.

Take a break from engaging on the platform for some time. You need to convince IG that you are not an automated bot. So slow down on your likes and comments a bit to get your ban removed.

Tip 5:Unlink Unapproved Third-Party Apps

Several third-party tools for scheduling, analytics, and automated posting are available in the Instagram ecosystem. Always make sure that the apps you’re utilizing are from reputable sources, and unlink any that you think might be suspicious from your settings page to get shadowbanned on Instagram.

Tip 6: Avoid Getting Reported To Get Unshadowbanned On Instagram

One of the most common ways to flag content is by reporting. Alternatively, the Instagram algorithm may misinterpret your content as borderline. Posting borderline content can get your IG account shadowbanned. On Instagram, borderline material is offensive content but does not violate Instagram’s terms of service or Community Guidelines.

Make sure you’re adhering to the Community Guidelines when posting anything. Also, make sure your content is relevant to the interests of your followers to avoid getting reported or flagged.

Tip 7: Switch To Instagram Private Account To Lift Shadowban On Instagram

Switching to a personal account on Instagram from a public account can help you get unshadowbanned. This trick has worked for a lot of users, so it doesn’t hurt to try. Your followers and information would not be affected by this move if that’s what you are worried about.

You can easily switch back to your professional Instagram account once the shadowban has been lifted.

Shadowban on Instagram can kill your account and destroy your reach and opportunities on the platform. Fortunately, Shadowbanning is not a permanent status that is attached to your IG account; you can get your account unshadowbanned removed by practicing the following suggestions:

  • Backoff from posting on Instagram for a couple of days
  • Delete all hashtags from your recent posts
  • Contact Instagram
  • Stop Commenting, Liking, or DMing Too Much
  • Unlink Unapproved Third-Party Apps
  • Avoid Getting Reported

These tips have proven successful to get unshadowbanned on Instagram. If your account is banned on Instagram, try these helpful tips and let us know which one helped your account. Growing an Instagram following takes time and rewards those who follow the rules and are consistent. There are no shortcuts, but the result is definitely worth the effort.

Deshna Jain: