How To Upload High Quality Photos To Instagram?

Are your Instagram posts and photos blurry? Don’t worry! We have a secret IG feature that lets you upload high-quality photos to Instagram. So to access this feature, you must dive deeply into your Insta account settings. It’s not that complicated, though! We have also shared some tips you must practice to make your Instagram posts high-quality.

Before we begin, note down the general Instagram post requirements. First, the Instagram photo format is fixed. Your Instagram photo post needs to have an aspect ratio of 1.9:1 and 4:5. So make sure you follow this format no matter what quality photo you upload.

Now that’s out of the way, let’s see how you can upload high-quality photos to Instagram by changing your IG settings.

How Can You Upload High-Quality Photos To Instagram 2022?

Instagram uploads your photos with a decent quality of 1080pixels. In addition, you can use the IG settings and cellular data to enhance this quality. So, revealing the secret IG feature, it is none other than drum rolls! First, you need to toggle on the High-quality Uploads in your IG settings. Then, you must follow the steps below to upload high-quality photos to Instagram.

  • Open the Instagram App and go to your profile.

  • Next, tap on the Hamburger at the top right and then tap on Settings.

  • Now, Tap on Account and go to Mobile data use. (If you use an iPhone, you will see the Data Usage option)

  • Here, under the Media upload quality, toggle on the Upload at highest quality switch.

That’s it! Now, you can upload your photos to Insta in the highest possible quality, depending on your network and device. Also, we promised you extra tips to upload high-quality photos to Instagram, and we are here to deliver them.

1. Use A Camera With Better Megapixels

When you upload a photo or any other content on Instagram, it compresses it and reduces the quality of the content. Hence, your device camera must have higher megapixels so the quality of your photos would not deteriorate too much, even if IG compresses your images.

So, why do you think Instagram creators mostly use iPhones as the primary device to click pictures and shoot content? iPhone camera has the best megapixels that make the photos look polished and well edited.

We understand that not everybody is an avid iPhone user or would buy a new iPhone to click pictures for IG. However, in the android section, Samsung provides excellent cameras at budget prices that you should check out.

2. Fewer Use Of Filters = Upload High-quality Photos To Instagram

So have you noticed that Instagram stories or posts get blurry after you apply filters to them? We already know that IG reduces photo quality, and when you add multiple filters to your posts, your photo upload quality reduces even more. So avoid adding too many filters to your pictures on Instagram to ensure that you upload high-quality photos to Instagram.

3. Keep Your Instagram Account Updated

This goes without saying that you need the latest updated version of Instagram to access new features and to be able to upload high-quality images to Instagram. So keep your IG updated and make your picture look HD resolution on Instagram.

That’s it for this article! Instagram is the career option for so many artists in the world. But with everyone posting the best version of themselves, you must catch up and put forth your best foot. Uploading high-quality photos on Instagram can be a small step into the larger world of content creation, and make sure you give your best.

Besides using fewer filters and better camera smartphones, editing tools and enhancing your camera settings can help improve your picture quality on Insta. So here’s all you need to know about how to upload high-quality photos to Instagram in 2022.

Vaishnavi Thembekar: