Why Is Instagram Sound Not Working?

We all face the problem of Instagram sound not working while scrolling through the reels or tapping through the stories. And suddenly, one story or reel comes up with no sound even if you have turned on the audio and checked the volume of the device. It’s a no-brainer. The IG app has so many glitches due to constant updates. But sometimes the music or sound isn’t available in your country, and you cannot do anything about it!

Whatever the reason is, this blog has seven hacks to get rid of the Instagram sound not working error.

Top 7 Fixes For The Instagram Audio Not Working Issue

There are multiple ways to turn on Instagram audio, but if you do not know where to start, you can read the tips below to fix the no sound on the Instagram issue.

1. Restart Your Device To Fix Instagram Sound Not Working

This is the primary tactic to use whenever you want to fix something in your mobile devices. Whether you own an iPhone or an Android. Restarting your device sometimes fixes the glitches. So the same applies to Instagram sound when it is not working. Try turning off your mobile and then turn it back on after 30 seconds minimum. If this doesn’t fix the IG audio issue, move on to the next solution.

2. Check Your Device If The Instagram Sound Is Not Working

Sometimes your device volume may be at zero, so the Instagram sound is not working on your device. So, you can increase your device’s volume by pressing the upward volume key. Now, go back to the Instagram app and go to the reel where you cannot hear audio. Tap on the reel once to turn on the audio. You must look through the next solution if you still do not hear music.

Also, the reason the Instagram sound is not working can be that your device speakers aren’t working. So try cleaning your mobile speakers and turning on the sound on Instagram posts. If it still does not help, it is a sign that your phone’s speakers must be taken to the device repair shop.

3. Uninstall And Reinstall Instagram App

If you still face the Instagram sound not working issue, you are using an outdated version of the app. We already told you that Instagram is full of glitches, and this causes the audio not available issue. But do not worry. You can fix this by uninstalling your Instagram and reinstalling it. This will also help you get the latest Instagram updates.

4. Solve IG Sound Not Working- Turn Off Bluetooth

Your Bluetooth earphone may be connected to your device, so you cannot hear the sound in the reels and stories. For this, you turn off the Bluetooth from the pull-down menu of your phone. All you have to do is tap on the white Bluetooth logo and turn it off. Next, go to the Instagram app and go to the reels. This should fix the Instagram sound not working issue.

5. Clear Instagram Cache To Solve Instagram Sound Not Working

Another reason your Instagram sound is not working is that your device is flooded with cache files. To clear these unwanted temporary files from your phone, you must go to your device settings and then go to apps or search for the Instagram app. Once you find the Instagram app go to the app store and tap on clear cache. Go back to the app to see if the Instagram reel audio not working persists!

6. Turn Off the Battery Saving Mode

When the power-saving mode is on in your phone, certain features do not function properly, and Instagram sound not working might be one of the issues. You can quickly turn off power saving mode. All you need to do is, pull down the menu on your phone and tap on the power-saving mode to turn it off. This will enable the Instagram sound, and you can hear the music in the Instagram reels or posts.

7. Use The Down Detector

Down Detector is a third-party app that you can use to quickly identify any glitches or issues on Instagram, such as Instagram audio not working. To spot the IG issues, you must go to the website and type Instagram in the search bar. The Down Detector will show if other users of IG are facing the same issue. If you find that the error is a major one, you can report it to Instagram and wait for the response.

That’s all you need to do to fix the Instagram sound not working. Try out these hacks and let us know what worked and what did not work for you. Also, remember that not all Instagram sounds are available in every country. So sometimes, if the sound is not playing on a reel, it might be that audio is unavailable in your country.

So you must be patient and wait for IG to make the audio available in your country. Also, if your device speakers are not working, go to the device repair store and get it repaired, or you can buy a new phone.

Vaishnavi Thembekar: