Unable To Use Effect Instagram? Top 5 Ways To Fix The Error!

Are you receiving an “Unable to use this effect on your device” error? If you, too, are unable to use filters on Instagram and are wondering how to solve it, this guide is for you. Since 25th May 2022, many people have been tweeting about this new error that’s coming up. The filters on the Instagram story aren’t working, and many users cannot click pictures using filters. So why does it say unable to use this effect on your device on Instagram? Also, if you think your IG app is not working properly, then learn how you can fix it. Here’s why it’s happening and how to fix the unable to use effect Instagram error.

Why Does It Say Unable To Use This Effect On Your Device On Instagram?

If you think there’s something wrong with your phone, internet, or Wi-Fi, you are mistaken! Though Instagram has not officially stated this, a bug is causing this error. So if you have tried switching your internet and restarting the IG app multiple times, it will not make a difference!

There might be various reasons why these bugs occur on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms, one of them being the number of users. Since you cannot use filters on Instagram, we know how irritating it can get! But there is nothing that we can do about it!

The Meta team is aware of this bug and is working on fixing the Unable to use this effect on your device error.

However, you can still try these fixes to solve the error.

Top 5 Ways To Fix Effects On Instagram Not Working Error

If you think that others can access the Instagram filters and it is not working for you, here are some fixes that you can try:

Restart The Instagram App

You need to stop using the app first. Then clear Instagram from the recent apps on your phone. If you are an iOS user, simply swipe up on your homepage to view your recent app list, then clear the IG app.

Reinstall The App

There might be a possibility that filters on IG are not working because you are using an older version of the app. You can either update the latest version of the app from the Playstore or App Store.

Logout And Login Back

If you think the filter error on Instagram is only occurring on your account, you can simply log out and log in back to your account. Follow these steps to log out.

  1. Tap on your “profile icon.”
  2. Then tap on the “hamburger icon.”
  3. Go To “Settings”
  4. Scroll down and tap “Log out.”

Now open the app again, and use your username and password to sign in.

Check Your Internet Connection

You need to check your internet connection if the effects are not loading on the Instagram story. If you are using your mobile data, you need to switch to Wi-Fi and vice versa.

Switch Off Your Phone

This is the solution to fix almost all the bugs! So if you think that others can access the Instagram filters and the problem still prevails on your device, simply switch off your phone and turn it on. Then try using filters on your IG story.


If you are still getting the ‘Unable to use this effect on your device’ error, you need to wait patiently until Instagram doesn’t fix the bug. There are many errors like this one that keeps happening on Instagram, like notifications not working, and music not working, but there are ways to fix them. Also, as promised Instagram has launched the Immersive feed feature, here’s everything you need to know about this new feature. 

Anasia D'Mello: