Why Am I Seeing “This Story Is No Longer Available” On Instagram?

So you wanted to view a story of your arch-nemesis, but it’s showing this story is no longer available on Instagram all of a sudden?

IG stories are one of the best features provided by Instagram, you can not only add your crazy moments to your Instagram story, but you can top it up with some super cute Instagram stickers.

However, sometimes these IG stories might not be visible to you, and you can encounter this story is no longer available issue. Instead of panicking about them, you can refer to our guide and solve them in no time.

What Does Mean When An Instagram Says This Story Is No Longer Available?

So when you see Instagram stories that suggest the story you clicked on is no longer available. You might be looking for this story is no longer available Instagram meaning. Here is every possible reason why you can’t view it.

1. The Person Has Deleted The Story

Essentially, when someone posts an Instagram story everybody on their followers list can view it once it has been uploaded. However, this is the most common possibility why you can’t access them.

Sometimes, there’s a possibility that the person who uploaded the story, deleted it right before you clicked on it. This is one of the major reasons behind the this story is no longer available error.

2. Instagram Took It Down

This is a rare case but then it’s pretty relevant if your stories on Instagram are not abiding by the Instagram community guidelines. Whenever there’s a post or a story that does not fit IG’s community protocol, Instagram sends the story/post owner a warning, or the story/post is directly removed. However, there’s a possibility that your IG account might get shadowbanned if your posts and stories are violating the ground rules of Instagram.

3. You’ve Been Blocked From Viewing Their IG Story

This is the second most possible reason why you’re getting the this story is no longer available error on Instagram. When someone posts a story and blocks you before you see their story then the story won’t be available to you anymore.

4. The User Has Switched To A Private IG Account

This is pretty uncommon but there’s a good chance for this one. If a user posts an Instagram story and converts their account from public to private then the users who don’t follow him/her will not be able to see that story.

5. Story’s Life-span Was Over

Instagram stories last for only 24 hours after uploading. So you are seeing story is no longer available Instagram interface this means it has been up for more than 24 hours and not it got disappeared. If the person is posted another stories that haven’t finished their life-span, you can see those stories on the IG page easily!

Tips To Fix Story Is No Longer Available Instagram Issue

Above we have discussed what can be the causes why story is no longer available but sometimes, the problem can be from our side too. So, before coming to any conclusion you must try these tricks to confirm your device isn’t having problems.

  • Refresh your Instagram feed
  • Re-install the application
  • Report the issue to the Instagram if you are facing this issue to with everyone.
  • Try logging in and log out once

How Long Does A Instagram Story Stay up?

If you’re wondering how long Instagram stories last then don’t worry! we got you!

Instagram stories are just small life insights that you can share on your IG profile every day. These stories stay on your profile for about 24 hours and then they’re transferred to your “Story Archives”.

If you want any of your Instagram stories to stay on your profile for more than 24 hours then you can try using Instagram’s latest highlight feature.

How Do You Know If Someone Blocked You From Seeing Their Story On Instagram?

To know if someone blocked you from seeing their story on Instagram, you have to visit the IG page of the person and see if you can red ring circle on the profile page. However, if you can’t see it, you have to take help of another IG account. You can ask help from your mutual friends and see if they can view it and if they can, you are undoubtedly blocked or restricted to see their Instagram stories.


Now that you have an answer to your why am I seeing this story is no longer available on Instagram, you can try the resolving the issue if you can! Instagram stories are a great option to share your life moments in snippets. Plus, you can be utmost creative with your stories by adding cute stickers and filters to them. You can also save your IG stories if you want to post them on other social media platforms.

Shivani Rai: