How To Change Job Alert On LinkedIn?

Are you worried about losing your great job opportunity? If so, don’t just know how to change job alert on LinkedIn. Creating job alerts on Linkedin can be the best choice if you don’t want to miss out on great opportunities. As we know, hunting jobs are competitive as different people search for the same position. But with a job notification, you can lessen your struggle to get your desired one.

Here’s the step-by-step guide on how to change job alert on Linkedin.

How To Create Job Alert On Linkedin? (iOS and Android)

To change linkedin job alerts, first, you must find a recruiter or a company you want to work with. Once you add job alerts, the chances of you getting hired increase.

1. Open your Linkedin account, and head to the search bar.

2. Type out the company’s name you want to work with, and open their home page.

3. Now, go to the job tab and tap on create a job alert.

4. Here, you are required to add the details of your job. So add the position you are looking for and your preferred job location.

5. Once you are done, tap on create job alert button.

This is how to change LinkedIn job alerts. But before you do so, remember to view your resume on the application and update it if it’s not.

Steps To Change Job Alerts On Linkedin On Desktop

If you want, you can manually search for a job and send your job application. However, adding job alerts is necessary if your heart is set on a particular company.

1. Launch Linkedin on your desktop through chrome.

2. Navigate to the search bar and find the company you want to add alerts for.

3. Open the company’s homepage, click on the job, and tap on create job alert to change your job alerts on LinkedIn.

4. Add the job title and location you prefer and click on create a job alert button.

Edit Job Alerts LinkedIn On The Phone

You can create job alerts based on your company’s preferences. And if you happen to change your field, you don’t need to worry. The platform lets you edit LinkedIn job alerts anytime.

1. Open the company’s homepage for which you have added a job alert.

2. Head to the job section, and tap on manage beside your job alert.

3. You will see all your job alerts on the screen. Choose the one you want to edit and tap on the pen icon.

4. You’ll find different options: manage your job alert or delete your job alert. So you can tap on the first option to edit it and on the second to delete it forever.

5. You want to turn it off here, so choose the delete job alert option.

How To Turn Off Job Alerts On Linkedin? (Desktop)

The process of editing LinkedIn job notifications on the desktop is similar to the phone but with a different interface. Use the following steps to turn off LinkedIn job alerts on your computer:

1. Search the company’s name for which you’ve added job alerts, and head to the job section directly.

2. Click on the manage job alerts option next to your alerts.

3. Choose the company you want to change LinkedIn job alerts for, and click on the pen icon. However, to turn off job alerts on the application, click the delete icon next to the company’s name.

Knowing how to change job alert on LinkedIn is pretty straightforward. So you can use the guide mentioned above whenever possible. Tapping on job alerts will help you grab many other job opportunities, but you must keep your LinkedIn profile up-to-date by adding your job experiences.

Shivani Rai: