Mother’s Day Social Media Post Ideas & Tips

Mother’s Day is right around the corner, celebrated on 8th May this year! It is said, ‘A man works from dusk to dawn, but a mother’s work is never done.‘ Mother’s Day, of course, isn’t only about honoring your mother. From your sister to your grandma, it’s a day to appreciate all the ladies in your life who support and nourish you. But, Mother’s day also means an opportunity to communicate with your audience and advertise any seasonal sales or specials.

We are here to make your social media campaign a breeze by giving you ideas and tips so that you are prepared in advance with ideas to post on your social media.

Mother’s Day Social Media Post Ideas

Be Mindful

You do not want to hurt anyone’s sentiment. Mother’s day can be challenging for some people. Not everyone has a mother figure in their lives. So keeping the sentiment in place, your social media team can curate a post dedicating this day in honor of any mother figure in their lives, such as an aunt, grandparent, mom in law, etc. Make an effort to be inclusive to make others feel accepted and invited to join in the celebration.

Celebrate The Mothers In Your Business

You can host a Mother’s Day event in your office by inviting your employee’s mothers and honoring them with gifts, sweets, and flowers to make them feel special.

You should include them in a photo on your social media sites, expressing your gratitude for their contributions as mothers.

You could also invite them to share a favorite Mother’s Day memory, present, or a bit of wisdom, which you can post on social media with their photo (or video!).

It is an excellent way to connect with your followers emotionally.

Promote A Mothers Day Sale

Everyone likes a good deal, so if you have any Mother’s Day deals or promos planned, promote them on social media. Your Mother’s Day sale might be as basic as a percentage off or as elaborate as a buy-one-get-one deal. You might even consider offering all parents who come to your event a gift with purchase.

Share Personal Motherhood Experience On Your Social Media Page

Like hosting a mother’s day event at work, sharing your personal experience can make a unique social media post idea. People on social media would love a little sneak peek into your personal life. For example, you can post a picture with your kids if you are a parent hustling and slaying at work and managing a home. It can humanize your brand and company a little and boost engagement.

Promote Giveaway

During the week leading up to Mother’s Day, hold a giveaway on your website or social media platforms. Showcase your for-sale products and reward your audience for liking and sharing them with their mothers.

Share A Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Mother’s Day usually means chocolates and flowers as gifts that are very typical for the celebration. However, a mother’s day gift idea can be a terrific way to connect with your followers. I don’t know about you, but I am always looking for unique gift ideas on special occasions.

You can even highlight things from other local companies to share the love! Make sure to tag them (they might reciprocate!). You can put together a list of fantastic gift options and also share places where people can shop for their mom.


We hope this post has provided you with some valuable ideas for your Mother’s Day social media calendar and a reminder to start planning for Mother’s Day as soon as possible! Check out this list of 6 fascinating ideas with examples if you’re seeking creative ideas to share with your followers on Mother’s Day. Remember to be unique as always.

Sonam Badia: