How To Find Snapchat Friends Near Me?

Find your friends' whereabouts on Snapmap!

You must be wondering how to find Snapchat Friends near me after completely exhausting your contact list. This is so super easy.

Just open your Snapchat, go to Snap Map, then go to view creator after viewing the recent snaps in your area. Then, add that person to your Snapchat.

Another way you can add friends on Snapchat is by using the Quick add feature. This suggests you the mutual friends on Snapchat.

We’ve curated the exact steps you need to follow to solve your ‘How to find Snapchat friends near me?’ problem. Plus, we’ve also answered some common queries at the end of this article.

How To Find Snapchat Users Near Me?

If you are looking for ways to add a ton of friends on Snapchat, or maybe you are looking to add and meet new people. In that case, adding someone near to you on Snapchat is a great idea, no doubt. So here’s how you can add nearby friends on Snapchat using the power Snapmap. But wait, there are more tips for exploring here, don’t forget to check them out.

How TO Find Snapchat Users Near Me_

Steps To Find Friends Near Me On Snapchat

  • Open Snapchat and make sure you’ve logged into your account.
  • Go to Snap Map and tap on the blue spots on the screen.
  • See the recent snaps in that area and select ‘View Creator.’ 
  • Add that person to your Snapchat by choosing ‘Add.’

Continue reading for more detailed instructions on the “How to find Snapchat friends near me?” topic.

Step 1: Open Snapchat and make sure you’ve logged into your account.

The first and foremost step to adding more friends to your Snapchat is to open the Snapchat app and log in to your account using the correct credentials. In case you have two Snapchat accounts, make sure you don’t use the parallel app.

steps to get snapchat FRIENDS

Step 2: Go to Snap Map and tap on the blue hotspots

The main answer to your “How to add people near me on Snapchat?” question is Snap Map. All you have to do is open Snap Map on your Snapchat and first, make sure you haven’t turned on the ghost mode.

Now you’ll notice some blue spots on the screen; these blue spots signify most stories are uploaded from that particular area. So in essence, it is the area with the highest Snapchaters near me.

Next, tap on any Blue spot, and you’ll be directed to the most popular Snap in that area.


Step 3: Select “View Creator”

Now swipe up on the snap to see the creator of that particular snap. In this way you’ll be able to add more friends on Snapchat who post popular snaps.


Step 4: Add that person to your Snapchat by choosing “Add”

The final step is to add that creator to your Snapchat friend list. All you have to do is choose the “+Add” option next to their username after you swipe up on the screen to see the creator of the snap.


How Does Snapmap On Snapchat Work?

Mapbox powers snap map, which is a company that integrates all the locations in Snapchat. If you are friends with someone on Snap, you will be able to see their live location on the Snap map with the help of their Bitmoji. Also, you will be able to see stories from around the world if you tap on the blue hotspots. So, basically, you can travel the world using a Snap map and know what’s going around in people’s life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How Do You Find Friends On Snapchat In Your Area?

You can use the Snap Map to find friends on Snapchat by location.

Q2. Can I Fake My Snapchat Location?

YES! You absolutely can. You can fake your Snapchat location by disabling Snap’s location or by using third-party software on your device.

Q3. How Many Friends You Can Add To Your Snapchat?

Yes, there’s a limit to the number of friends one can have on Snapchat. It is about 5000. However, there are a few ways around methods to add more people to your Snapchat account.

Q4. What Is The Snap Map?

A Snap map is a map on which you can see the active Snapchat users.

Q5. How To Find Nearby Snapchat Friends On An iPhone?

  • Open Snapchat
  • Go to Snap map
  • Tap on a blue spot
  • Now, watch stories and swipe till you find a story that interests you
  • Then, tap on the profile
  • Subscribe to them


Wasn’t it easy to learn how to find Snapchat friends near me? So what are you waiting for? Open your Snap Map, hit all the blue spots, and add as many people as you want to your Snapchat account. Adding friends on Snapchat is easy with search and the ‘Quick Add’ feature. The Snap Map is also a great way to find people near you. However, not everyone’s stories will show up on the Snap Map as an automated system monitors it.

Other than the Snap Map, ‘Quick Add’ or syncing your contacts is a great way to find people near you. Here’s everything you need to know about how to find Snapchat friends near me.