How To Block Someone On Spotify?

If you don’t want someone to access your profile or your personal or musical information, then blocking them is the way to go!

Like every other social media platform out there, Spotify allows its users to block anyone they want to restrict on the platform. Blocked users can’t see your playlists, songs, listening activity, or follow you.

Here’s how you can use the block feature on Spotify:

How To Block Someone On Spotify Without Them Knowing?

To block someone on Spotify, you need to go to their Spotify profile. There are several ways to do it. You can search for their username, find them from your follower list, scan their profile page code, etc.

  • Open Spotify app
  • Go to the Spotify profile page of the user you wish to block
  • Tap on the three dots
  • Select Block

If you are unable to find the Spotify account of the user, then you can try the following ways:

  • From Your Following: Open your Spotify settings and go to your profile. From there, you can view your following. Find the user that you wish to block and go to their profile by clicking on their account name. Then follow the steps mentioned above and forever block the user.

  • From Your Followers: You can find your followers next to the following section. Carry out the same steps as mentioned above.

What Happens When You Block Someone On Spotify?

They won’t be your friend or follower if you block someone on Spotify. They are unable to see your playlist or current activities. They are not even permitted to view your profile. So if you find someone improper, it’s a terrific choice.

Here’s what happens when someone is blocked on Spotify;

  • Can’t follow you
  • Can’t access your public playlists
  • Cannot see what songs you are listening to
  • Cannot see whom you follow on Spotify

How To Unblock Someone On Spotify?

The process of unblocking someone is similar to blocking them. Instead of blocking, you have to select the option to unblock; that’s the only difference.

Steps to Unblock on Spotify:

  • Open the Spotify app, and go to the user’s profile page.
  • Tap on the three dots
  • Select ‘Unblock’

Once you have unblocked a user on Spotify, they can see your profile and can follow you. They can also access all your public playlists and collaborate with you to make a new collaborative playlist if you agree to it.

Spotify has recently introduced a blocking feature. It has long been a desired feature. Before the block feature was introduced, a person had to go through a lengthy process and get in touch with Spotify customer support. However, it’s now simple to block someone on Spotify.

You must go to the user’s profile on Spotify, tap on the three dots, and block the user. Blocked users can’t add you as friends, see your listening activity, see your playlists or follow you even.

Deshna Jain: