How To Clear Queue On Spotify?

Don't want to hear the next song on your playlist? Clear the queue, then!

Don’t you like the songs queued to play next on your Spotify? You can clear the list with just one tap, but you need to know how to clear queue on Spotify.

If one doesn’t know where to find the song queue on Spotify, it can be quite challenging to figure out a way to delete it.

Spotify is one of the most popular music platforms today, thanks to its wide range of songs library, highly personalized algorithm, user-friendly interface, and a barrage of unique features like collaborative playlists, queues, sleep timers, etc.

The queue feature allows the user to plan what songs will play next. You can add, remove and even clear the queue. In this article, you will learn everything about the queue feature on Spotify:

How To Clear Spotify Queue On Mobile Phones? (iOS & Android)

The process to delete a queue on Spotify is the same for Android and iPhone phones.

  • Open Spotify App
  • Go to Now Playing to open the screen showing the playing song.Clear Spotify Queue On Mobile Phones
  • Tap on the queue icon at the bottom right corner
  • Now you will see two sections: Now Playing, Next in queue, and Next from.
  • Select the songs you want to remove from the list by long-tapping them.
  • Finally, tap on the “remove” button in the Next in queue section.Remove Spotify Queue On Phones

All the songs in the queue will be deleted once you tap on “remove.”

How To Clear Queue On Spotify On Desktop?

The steps to remove the songs in the queue on Spotify on the computer are easy! Here’s what you need to do:

  • Open Spotify App on your desktop
  • Play a song
  • Click on the queue icon next to the bottom right corner. You’ll find it next to the volume slider.
  • Once your Play queue opens up, hover the cursor on the song that you want to remove from the list.
  • Click on the three dots beside the song.
  • Finally, tap remove from queue.

Since the Spotify app is updated, you cannot clear the entire queue at the same time. You need to follow the process above and remove each song at a time.

But if you open the find the clear option then there might be no songs in the queue.

Whether you’ve accidentally added a song to your playlist or do not like the order of songs being played, the queue feature on Spotify has got you covered. If you’re listening to a soothing while relaxing, you wouldn’t want to hear a blaring pop number! That’s when you can check the queue list and make amendments quickly!