How To Block Someone On TikTok?

Tired of serial stalkers on TikTok and are wondering how to block people on TikTok? Well, here’s everything you need to know about blocking users on TikTok.

Since TikTok has been released, it’s the ultimate hub for all the trends and rib-tickling videos, but with all this fun comes the risk of online creeps which is if you come across one, you should immediately block him/her.

And to help you with that, today we’re going to talk about how to block people on TikTok in some super easy steps.

Let’s get started!

How To Block Users On TikTok?

If you want to get rid of online trolls, you can simply block those accounts. Once they are blocked they won’t be able to see your profile and watch your videos.

Here is a step-by-step guide you can follow to block an account on TikTok.

Steps To Block Someone On TikTok

  • Open TikTok and log in to your account.
  • Go to the person’s profile you wish to block.
  • Tap on the three little dots on the top right corner of the screen.
  • From the on-screen options, choose “block”

If you’re still confused how to block people on TikTok then here’s a detailed guide to it.

Step 1: Open TikTok and log in to your account.

The first and foremost step to block people on TikTok is to open the TikTok app on your phone and log in to your account with the correct credentials.

Step 2: Go to the person’s profile you wish to block.

Now navigate to the profile of the person you wish to block from your Facebook account.

Step 3: Tap on the three little dots on the top right corner of the screen.

Now the next step is to select the three little dots which are positioned on the top right of your Facebook account on your phone.

Step 4: From the on-screen options, choose “block”

The final step is to hit “Block” from the on-screen options.

Steps To Block Users On TikTok In Bulk

Haters are everywhere! And you may find users spreading hatred in your video’s comment section too. Nobody likes to welcome such things and therefore below we have mentioned the steps to block users on TikTok in bluk.

  • Navigate to TikTok video.
  • Open the comment section.
  • Tap and hold the profile picture of the person.
  • You will see a prompt, choose manage multiple comments.
  • Now, select people you want to block.
  • You will see two options here; delete and more.
  • Go with more, select block accounts option.

How Do You Unblock Someone On TikTok?

There are ways to unblock someone on TikTok. You can simply visit their profile page, and unblock them from there. However, if you want to unblock all blocked users in a row, you must use the guideline mentioned.

  • Open your TikTok application, and go to the profile page.
  • Tap on hamburger icon at the top, select settings and privacy.
  • Now choose the privacy, and scroll down to find blocked accounts.
  • Once you get it, tap on blocked accounts, and unblock the person you want.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can you block someone on TikTok without them knowing?

Yes! TikTok doesn’t notify the user you have blocked. Once you block them they will be added on your blocked list by the application. However, if you unblock the person subsequently, you have to add them as a friend again.

Q2. Can someone see if I searched them on TikTok?

No, there isn’t a feature that tells the user that you have searched them on the application. However, if you liked their videos or commented on it then they will be notified.

Q3. What happens after you block someone on TikTok?

As you know TikTok will not notify the user you block that he/she has been blocked. The blocked user will not be able to look at your profile or send you a text.

Q4. How do I watch TikTok anonymously?

TikTok videos can be watched on the TikTok website without an account via live tab. Viewing a TikTok livestream is completely anonymous when using the website when you are not logged in. However, you will need to log in if you want to comment on a broadcast in its live chat.

Q5. Can you see who viewed your TikTok?

Unfortunately, you can’t keep track of specific users viewing your video or profile on TikTok.


Wasn’t it easy to learn how to block people on TikTok? Now that you know how to get rid of the person on TikTok, whether you follow someone or not, you can easily block them using the steps.

Blocking people might look rude at first but then once you’re in the right head space, you always have the option to unblock them. Blocking them will give you a break from that person for a while as they won’t be able to Dm you or see your TikToks, and neither will you.

Akanksha Jadhav: