How To Turn On Profile Views On TikTok?

TikTok keeps updating its features which helps the creators and businesses to succeed. Nevertheless, “Profile Views” is the game-changer. TikTok has developed rapidly and provided companies and artists with a platform to establish a name for themselves. This blog will take you through how to turn on profile views on TikTok. Moreover, the recently launched feature promises a platform to help businesses grow and expand their user base.

So, let us give you a rundown on how to turn on profile views on TikTok.

Can You Turn On Profile View On TikTok?

Here’s the catch! We will tell you how to turn on profile views on TikTok, but before getting there, let us address this question first. So, you can turn on the profile view feature in your account, but you have to meet some of the requirements:

  • The creator must be at least 16 years old
  • The creator must have less than 5000 followers

So, this feature is not available to every user. However, if you accidentally mentioned your age wrong while creating the account, you can update the age without deleting the account. So, make the most of this feature and grow your account.

How To Turn On Profile Views On TikTok App?

Let us get to the steps to enable profile views on the TikTok app:

  • Open TikTok.
  • Tap on your profile icon in the bottom right corner.
  • Tap on the three hamburger icon.

  • Select settings and privacy.

  • Tap on Privacy.

  • Select profile views.

  • Turn the toggle on.

So, now you can view the history of the past 30 days of whoever checked your profile.

What Does Profile View Means?

Once you enable the feature, you can see who visited your profile in the past 30 days. So, if someone snoops around your page, you will be notified. Also, this is a two-way street. If you get to see who looked at your profile, others can see it too if you visit their profile.

So, it is a tricky feature. Turn it off if you don’t want to get caught spying on the competition. This prevents other users from seeing that you have viewed their profile.

At the same time, if someone is watching the videos without the TikTok app, there is no way to tell whether they have viewed the profile.

Does Profile Views Benefit Brands & Creators?

Let us quickly brush up on the benefits if you still wonder what good can come from turning on profile views on TikTok.

  1. As a creator or brand, you can rely on statistics and analytics to determine which videos and content are doing well and attracting followers to your page.
  2. Creators can follow their audience back. This way, you can show gratitude for engaging with your videos and building a loyal audience on social media. In addition, it will help you attract more views.
  3. Scrolling through the profile views can give you a sense of your target audience and demographics. Therefore, you can use it to your benefit can target the right audience and cater content to their liking.

So, with this, we conclude the article on how to turn on profile views on TikTok. So, how you, as a brand, can put it to use depends on you. And to decide whether it is suitable for you or not. If you are only using it to spy on your competitors or friends, then we might suggest you turn off the feature. Yet, the profile views tool might help you design content and gain loyal followers to increase likes and engagement.

Sonam Badia: