How To Fix TikTok Sound Not Working?

TikTok sound not working is a common glitch on the app. It gets frustrating when you are watching a video and the audio stops working. Also, what are TikToks without funny sounds and trendy music? Don’t let this bother you.

There are several potential fixes, regardless of whether the problem arises from a glitch in the app or the wrong settings of your phone. However, you should be able to return to the enjoying TikTok adventure in no time by quickly going through the list of super easy hacks below on fixing TikTok sound not working.

9 Easy Fixes For TikTok Sound Not Working

Before we begin, we have mentioned specific steps for iPhone and Android. In most cases, the steps are the same. There are several potential fixes, irrespective of whether the problem of TikTok sounds not working stems from a glitch in the app or the settings on your phone.

1. Update TikTok App

If you still face the TikTok sound, not working problem, you can try to uninstall and then reinstall the app. This will clear the unwanted glitches from the app, and you will also get the most recent version of the app.

Updating TikTok would likely fix the problem. First, open the Google Play Store or the App Store to check if you have the latest version of TikTok on your phone. If you use an iPhone, go to the Apple app store and get an update to your TikTok app to fix the TikTok sound not working issue.

2. Increase The Device Volume

Sometimes, your device is set to silent mode, which can cause the TikTok sound not to work. So ensure that you have turned on the device volume switch to the fullest level.

3. Clear TikTok App Cache

The temporary files can also be a cause of the TikTok sound not working issue. You can quickly clear the cache files from TikTok by going to the setting and then taping on the clear cache tap in the free-up space section.

4. Give Voice Permission To TikTok

If you have denied TikTok access to the microphone, then you might face the TikTok sound not working issue. To grant the microphone permission to the app, go to your device settings and then go to apps, select the TikTok app permissions, and toggle on the microphone section.

5. TikTok Sound Not Working- Restart Your Device

This is the basic way to fix any issue on your mobile devices. Whether you own an iPhone or an Android. Switching your device off and turning it back on after a minimum span of 30 seconds could fix the glitches in the TikTok app. So the same applies to TikTok sound when it is not working. If this doesn’t fix the TikTok audio issue, move on to the next solution.

6. Check Your Speakers

The speakers on your smartphone could occasionally cause a TikTok sound issue. So, try cleaning your smartphone’s speakers and activating TikTok’s sound. If it still doesn’t work, you need to get your device repaired

7. Remove Copyrighted Music- TikTok Sound Not Working

You could discover that everything else functions OK, yet the video you uploaded lacks sound. This is because TikTok would mute the audio in the videos if they suspect a copyright violation. You could have broken copyright regulations. You can do nothing when TikTok disables the sound in that situation. Some music and noises might not be accessible everywhere.

8. Enable Dolby Atmos

While filming, your phone can be muted; however, once the video has been posted, the sound should play without any issues. The TikTok sound not working problem can be caused because you haven’t enabled the Dolby atmos sound in your device. Luckily, all you have to do is go to your settings and turn on Dolby Atmos in the sound and vibration section.

9. Switch To Personal Account

When you’re using a business account, you might not be allowed to utilize specific sounds or music. This can be the reason behind the TikTok sound not working. Business accounts might not be allowed to use copyrighted content, which could reduce your possibilities. To access far larger sound options, check to see if your account has been changed to a corporate one and switch it back to a personal one.

How To Fix TikTok Sound Sync Not Working?

The useful Sound Sync option on TikTok helps speed up and simplify editing. Without your intervention, it synchronizes your content with your chosen sound. Try these remedies if this feature isn’t there or isn’t operating correctly for you:

1. Choose Several Clips

You may not see the Sound Sync feature if you only pick one image or video. You must import each video segment separately, even if you wish to use different parts of the same video. The app will identify it as many videos and synchronize each to the music if done in this manner.

2. Keep At Least One Video

The sound Sync feature only works on photos, not videos. So by uploading a video along with your images and then deleting it later, you may deceive the program and activate Sound Sync.

Remember that Sound Sync prevents you from manually trimming and cropping videos. This is because you cannot control which part of your video will be displayed in the final product. So when trimming your video in the video editor, bear this in mind.

What Does It Mean When TikTok Duet Sound Is Not Working?

The Duet feature on TikTok allows you to remix and create your TikToks with another creator on the app. However, you might be dismayed to discover that this feature is disabled. Following are a few potential fixes for the TikTok duet sound not working.

1. React To The TikTok

If you cannot duet a TikTok video, you can choose to react to the video. It’s not an exact match to duet, but it is the closest to the duet feature on TikTok. Here’s how you can do it. First, navigate to the video you wish to duet with. To share, press the arrow button. Next, search the choices for React.

2. Use Your Audio

If the TikTok app does not allow you to add audio to your video, you can get around this limitation by submitting your video already with sound. You can avoid this if you use a third-party app.

We have provided you with a complete guide to solving the TikTok sound not working problem. Try out these fixes, and let us know what worked for you. Also, if you face issues with the TikTok duet sound not working, try using your audio for the remix or significant to the TikTok video you want to duet with.

If you are trying to use the sound sync feature for your videos, try adding photos along with the videos you want and then delete the pictures before uploading the TikTok.

Vaishnavi Thembekar: