How To Delete Followers On Twitter?

Twitter is one of the social media apps that ooze opinions. With a new privacy feature now, users can control their followers’ lists. If you know how to delete followers on Twitter, you can choose the people you want to include in your list.

This feature allows the full authority of the users to remove a follower. Automatically their tweets will disappear from your timeline and vice versa. A big plus of this feature is that it allows users to delete followers and won’t notify them or block them from your account. I’m sure you’re looking for a solution to your “How to delete followers on Twitter?” problem. No worries, we provide you with a step-by-step manual to remove followers on Twitter.

How To Remove Twitter Followers?

Twitter has provided users with this feature to ensure their safety. In essence, it allows them to remove a particular person but also does not notify them that they’ve been removed. This feature is unavailable on the mobile app. It’s only available on the desktop version because it has been unveiled recently. Here are the steps to remove Twitter followers from your account.

Steps To Delete Twitter Followers On Your Desktop

  • Using your preferred browser, log in to your Twitter account.

  • Click on “Profile” on the left side of the screen.

  • Go to your followers’ list on your profile.

  • Click on the three little dots on the right of the username of the person you wish to delete.

  • Choose “Remove this follower” from the list.

Twitter has recently come up with a lot of privacy features for users. Twitter has also received many complaints regarding harassment and violations, and as a solution to all of that, it’s bringing out more and more tools that ensure online safety.

How To Delete Followers On Twitter App? (iOS and Android)

It’s simple to remove unwanted people on Twitter using the app. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Open the Twitter app on your phone and sign in to your account.
  2. Tap on your profile icon on the left.
  3. Now, tap on the followers.
  4. You will see a list of people that you are following on Twitter. Tap following beside the name of the person you want to unfollow.

You can even block unwanted people on Twitter. Blocking someone from your account changes their way of access to your account. Neither can they send you any direct messages nor see your profile anymore. This is also a reciprocal method because if you block them, they surely won’t be able to view your profile, but even you cannot.

Apps like Twitter are very informative, but they can also get a little overwhelming sometimes, which is why it’s okay to tone it down. Here we are with our easy-peasy-lemon-squeazy ways to help you how to delete followers on Twitter and enjoy being carefree on Twitter. All you must do is log in to your Twitter account, go to that user’s account and then easily you can block or remove them.

Go share these quick tricks with your peers and ensure their online safety as well.

Akanksha Jadhav: