How To Find Contacts On Twitter?

There’s no wonder that Twitter is one of the top social media apps with intriguing features, and it’s an excellent platform for exploring other Twitter users worldwide. Now you must be wondering how to find contacts on Twitter. One of the best ways to find Twitter users near me is to search for them on Twitter Search. The advanced page of Twitter’s search engine can search near this place. You can enter your town and get a real-time stream of all the people tweeting from your location or near it. The results are based on the location field of people’s Twitter bios, which can be very accurate due to geo-location for people tweeting from their phones.

We’ve curated the steps you need to follow to solve your how-to-find contacts on Twitter near me. We’ve also answered some common queries at the end of this article.

How To Find Twitter Contacts?

If you are looking for ways to add a ton of friends from your contacts on Twitter, or maybe you are looking to add and meet new people. In that case, adding someone from your contact list on Twitter is the best option. Here are the exact steps to find Twitter users in your contact list.

Steps To Find Contacts On Twitter

Step 1: Open the Twitter mobile app.

The first and foremost step to add more friends from your contact list to your Twitter is to open the Twitter app and log in to your account using the correct credentials. If you have multiple Twitter accounts, make sure you don’t use a similar app.

Step 2: Tap your profile icon to bring up the menu

The next step after you log in to your Twitter account is to tap on the profile icon on the top left of the screen. This will direct you to your account menu on the Twitter app.

Step 3: Tap on Settings and Privacy. Under the username, tap on Privacy and safety.

Under your account settings, tap Settings, and Privacy, and then choose Privacy and Safety from the on-screen options.

Step 4: Scroll down to Discoverability and contacts.

Now you’ll be directed to a page with all the privacy and safety settings for your Twitter account. Next, tap Discoverability and contacts to sync your contacts on Twitter.

Step 5: Toggle the Sync address book and contacts and switch to the on position.

Now the final step to sync your contacts on Twitter is to turn on the Sync address book and contacts toggle, and you’re done!

How To Remove Contacts From Twitter?

Now, just as you have added or synced your contacts on Twitter, you can also remove the contacts from Twitter.

  • Go to settings and Privacy as mentioned above.
  • Next, go to Privacy and security and scroll down to Discoverability and contact.
  • Then, tap on remove all contacts.

How To Find Facebook Contacts On Twitter?

To Sync the Facebook contacts on Twitter, you need to first log in to your email account, import contacts from there, and then add them to your Twitter account.

  • Step 1: After logging into your account, look for the contacts option at the top of the screen. A new window with contact options will open when you click the contacts tab.
  • Step 2: From the drop-down box, choose “Import Contacts.” When you click on this, a list of various social media platforms where you may import your relationships will appear in a new tab. From the drop-down option, select Facebook.
  • Step 3: Yahoo! should request the user’s consent and confirmation. Then, a Facebook login box will appear on the screen and ask for permission to access Facebook.
  • Step 5: Click “OK” to start importing the contacts.

‘Import Contacts’ should be selected in the drop-down menu. When you click on this, a list of various social media platforms where you may import your relationships will appear in a new tab. For example, from example, from the drop-down option, select Facebook.

  • Step 6: A popup with the words “Congratulations” will show up on the screen once all the information has been processed, signifying that the procedure is finished. Tap Done to complete the course.
  • Step 7: Use your account and password to access Twitter. You may either hit the ‘Discover’ option and then pick ‘Discover Friends’ to locate the Twitter importing tool by scrolling down and selecting it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Why can’t I see my contacts on Twitter?

You have not synced your contacts to your Twitter account. To do this, you must go to your ‘Discoverability and contacts’ and turn on the ‘Sync address book and contacts toggle.

Q2. How do I find someone on Twitter by phone number?

If you don’t have a friend’s Twitter username, you can search for them using their phone number. The only way to do this is by syncing your phone’s contact list. Syncing like this will not erase previous Twitter accounts but only add new ones.

Q3. Do my contacts get notified when I join Twitter?

Yes, If you allow the application to synchronize the contacts, all your contacts will get a Notification that you have Joined Twitter.

So now that you’re entirely aware of how to find contacts on Twitter, you have to sync your contacts to your Twitter account, and you’re done. Twitter is a compelling social media platform to take full advantage of. You should be updated with all the latest features like Twitter lists, spaces, etc.

You can also create your professional account on Twitter to engage more followers. Once you engage followers, you can easily schedule your posts using Tweetdeck. Please visit our website if you still have doubts about Twitter or other social media apps.

Akanksha Jadhav: