How To Quote A Tweet?

When you retweet a tweet, it directly gets shared on your Twitter page. However, there is something more fantastic than this, and that is, quoting a tweet. But do you know how to quote a tweet? If not, then you must read further!

You can do it in two ways. You can use the quote a tweet feature and add your opinions. Or else copy the tweet link and retweet it on your page.

Twitter quotes permit you to add your valuable perception to the tweet while re-sharing. When you share your opinion, it helps your audience to understand your opinion and perception. This also helps your audience to know you more!

The article will guide you on how to quote a tweet with the super easy steps mentioned. So without any further delay, let’s bring it off!

How Do You Quote A Tweet? (iOS & Android)

We like Twitter because it empowers us to share someone’s tweet on our page and spread it worldwide. It is not ended here; you can also add your observations to the tweet before posting it. It is more like sharing your thoughts without any restrictions. Sounds so cool, isn’t it? There are specific ways to learn how do you quote a tweet. Let’s look at them!

First Method:

  • Open your Twitter account on your phone.
  • Locate yourself to the tweet you wanna share!
  • Tap on the reverse icon on the post, and choose the quote tweet option.

  • Here, you can add your opinion, thoughts, or any comment you would like to add.
  • You can also choose the community you wanna share the content. You can make it public or tweet circle.

  • Once you do it, tap on the retweet button at the top-right of the screen.

Second Method:

  • Go to the tweet, and tap on the share (airplane) icon.
  • You will encounter numerous options; go to the copy link option.

  • Now, to quote, you need to retweet it on your Twitter page.
  • Go to the + icon, and tap on the tweet.

  • Here, you now add your thoughts and perspectives regarding the tweet and paste the copied link!
  • Once you do it, tap on the tweet button at the top-right of the screen.

Now you know how you can quote any tweet, and by any chance, if you want to know the quoted tweet’s reach, you can check your Twitter impressions under your account analytics. It will show the potential impressions as well as actual impressions of the tweet.

How To Quote Tweet On Twitter? (Desktop)

Above we have discussed how to quote tweet on Twitter in two ways. The steps of quoting tweets on the phone are similar for the desktop! You can use the quoting option, or copy and paste the tweet’s link option. Just need to open the desktop on the browser, and login your Twitter account. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How Do You Quote A Tweet Without Retweeting?

If you wanna quote a tweet without retweeting, you can copy the link of the specific tweet and create a new tweet with that. To make it up, follow the steps mentioned below.

  • Go to the tweet you wish to comment on, and tap on the share icon.
  • Copy the tweet’s link, go to the + icon, and tap on the tweet.
  • Here, add your thoughts, paste the copied link, and tap on the tweet button.

Q2. Why Can’t I Quote Tweets Anymore?

If you were try quoting someone’s tweet on Twitter and couldn’t do it, then it might be because their tweet is protected from other users.

Q3. Is It Better To Quote, Tweet Or Retweet?

Well, they both are exceptional in their ways. If you retweet someone’s tweet, it can increase the traffic on their Twitter page. However, quoting can share your thoughts and opinions directly or indirectly with the existing tweet of someone else. People get to know you more with this.

Q4. Can Someone See If You Quote Their Tweet?

If you retweeted someone’s tweet and your account is private, then the person won’t be able to see it at all. However, if your account is public or they follow you, they can see the quote tweet. Also, if they desire to see how many people have actually retweeted their thoughts, they can see it by tapping on the retweet icon at the bottom of the tweet.

Q5. How Do You Quote A Tweet?

There are two ways we can quote a tweet: the first is by going on the reverse icon, and the second is by quoting a tweet without retweeting.

Q6. How To Quote Tweet On Twitter Desktop?

Quoting a tweet on Twitter is also super easy to do because it has the similar steps as phone. Check out here to know how you can do it:

  • Open Twitter on chrome.
  • Select the tweet.
  • Tap on retweet icon.
  • Go with quote tweet option.


Did you find the steps easy to learn how to quote a tweet? We just hope that you have understood each step we discussed above. Besides tweeting and quoting tweets, if you wanna know how to retweet on Twitter, you can visit our website anytime!

Shivani Rai: