How To See Who Unfollowed Me On Twitter?

So you’re looking for a solution to your “How to see who unfollowed me on Twitter?” problem? Don’t worry. Read our guide on how to find out who has unfollowed your Twitter account in some super duper easy ways. As Twitter doesn’t natively allow you to see who unfollowed you, the only way to do this is by using a third-party website and some other way-around methods.

This means that you grant specific permissions to the website concerning your Twitter account, and you get to track the users who unfollow you on Twitter and those who you unfollow from your Twitter account. So, without any further crisp, here’s how you can see the list of users who have unfollowed your account.

How  See Who Unfollowed You On Twitter?

There’s no direct way to see who has unfollowed you on Twitter. However, we’ve figured out some other way-around methods to see who unfollowed your Twitter account.

1. Check The Following List To See: “Who Unfollowed Me On Twitter?”

Let’s make one thing super clear here, depending on the count of users you are following. This might not be especially practical. But if you only follow a couple of people, at most a few hundred people, and want to see if people you follow are following you back, you can use this method.

All you have to do is open your Twitter profile on your desktop or mobile app and click Following. Scroll through the list to see which users have a Follow you tag next to their name. If someone has recently unfollowed you, you won’t see the tag, and the following is no longer mutual.

2. Check the particular user’s profile

If you want to see if a specific Twitter user has unfollowed you on Twitter, here’s another quick solution to go directly to that profile page and look for a Follows you tag next to the username. If they used to follow you, but the gray box is now missing, that confirms the user stopped following you.
To look for one particular Twitter profile, follow the steps below:
  • First, open Twitter and make sure you’ve logged into your profile.
  • Next, go to the person’s profile by searching for their username in the search bar.

  • Finally, open their profile and look for a Follows you tag next to the username.
If there’s a “follows you” tag next to their username, it means they haven’t unfollowed your Twitter account.

3. Use third-party apps To See “Who Unfollowed Me On Instagram?”

Suppose you have a large number of followers. In that case, the best way to keep track of your followers and the following list is by using third-party softwares that analyze your account and tell you the exact number of people to see who unfollowed you on Twitter, the ones you’re following and the ones who have unfollowed your Twitter account.
Below we’ve mentioned some third-party software for you to find who unfollowed your Twitter account.
  • Unfollower stats: One of the top software to keep track of the people who’re unfollowing your Twitter account is Unfollower stats. It offers a free tier of service for Twitter accounts with up to 30,000 followers, though it is ad-supported. To use this software, you must go to the link and authorize your Twitter account; it synchronizes and gets you all details. You can see all your unfollowers and blocked details in the dashboard.

This software is one of our top recommendations if you’re looking for ways to find out who unfollowed you on Twitter.

While using third-party apps, make sure you don’t end up on some scam site. Make sure, you only use legit sites which are foolproof. Be careful as these third-party sites are not backed up by any big conglomerates.


To wrap it up in simple words, while knowing who is unfollowing you may be helpful, you shouldn’t let it affect your professional presence on Twitter. There could be multiple reasons for them to unfollow you, ranging from the fact you have different perspectives or opinions. Simply put, do not be obsessed with finding the answer to ‘how to see who unfollowed me on Twitter?’

Nonetheless, it shouldn’t be one of the reasons that social media is making you sad. If someone unfollowed you, the chances are that they probably weren’t worth your time anyway. However, if you don’t want them to access your account anymore, you can either block them or hide your tweets from them. For such Twitter hacks and tricks, feel free to visit our website.

Akanksha Jadhav: