Twitter Username Ideas: How To Choose A Username On Twitter?

Are you thinking of joining Twitter? Well, then you need some good Twitter username ideas!

You’ll find celebrities on Twitter, you’ll find friends, and you’ll find some very interesting strangers! Twitter isn’t as popular among influencers (that’s Instagram), but it sure is filled with opinionated people. So whether you’re thinking of joining in as just a lurker or if you want to follow a certain topic, or if you’re joining in hopes to promote your business, you need to have a good Twitter username.

So let’s discuss some Twitter username ideas and how to choose a good username when the good ones are always taken.

How To Pick A Good Twitter Username?

You want your Twitter profile to stand out so you’ll naturally think of choosing a unique name. But make sure while you’re choosing a unique name there are also other factors that make a Twitter username good. Just uniqueness is not enough, a username on Twitter had to be understandable to other Twitter users, and it should be simple enough that you don’t forget it.

1. Use Versions Of Your Name

It’s your username so unless you’re trying to keep your profile anonymous use your name in the username. First, try using your full name but if you have both a common first and last name chances are it’ll already be gone. So try out a few versions of your nicknames, or try out shortening your name, middle name, and last name.

Similarly, if you are starting a Twitter account for your business, use the name of your business, product, or service. If the most accurate version is taken, try adding ‘The’ at the beginning, or ‘Official’ at the end. You could also try adding underscores between words or try adding the descriptive noun. For example, if your product is coffee, try adding ‘coffee’ after the brand name.

2. Make Sure It’s Easy To Remember

You don’t want to accidentally get locked out of your Twitter and then spend hours trying to remember your username properly. Also the more difficult your username the more difficult it will be for people to find you as they might misspell it and end up following the wrong person by mistake. This is also why you should avoid numbers in your username. But we understand that sometimes there’s no other username available and you have to add your birthdate or birth year, so just try to limit numbers to 2 or 3 digits.

As for brands, an easy username will resonate better with your audience and make you look more authentic rather than having a username with numbers or random words in it. Plus a brand’s Twitter handle will be managed by a lot of people over time so everyone should immediately understand your username on the first go.

3. Make It Unique

As mentioned before, you don’t want to get lost among a list of similarly named people. So giving a unique twist to your username is important. You could choose an adjective that describes you well, or you could try creating a pun with your name. Finding the best Twitter name to describe you could lead to some self-reflection.

Making your brand’s Twitter username unique would be a piece of cake if you have already spent time making your brand name unique. People will see your brand name as the username and will immediately recognize it. But if for some reason your brand’s name isn’t as unique as it could’ve been and the username you want is taken and the account is inactive, you could make a request to Twitter and you can also make a request to that account if possible.

Unique Twitter Username Ideas

Here are some examples of unique Twitter usernames, some of them might be already taken by the time you read this article:

  • thestylishjo
  • fashionablejoe
  • thoughtswithjo
  • catladyjo
  • sunshine_ruthie
  • cookingwidkenny
  • bakewidkenny
  • bakewithkenny
  • kenlovestea
  • thepizzapark
  • breakfastsasha
  • nacholoversasha
  • napqueensasha
  • pizzaloversasha
  • movieloversasha
  • thedrunksclub
  • tweetwithanna
  • therealflyn
  • helpandwin

Try out variations of these or take inspiration from these. Feel free to use these as they are too!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What Is A Twitter Handle?

Twitter handle is your username that is unique to you. No two Twitter handles can be the same and users can use Twitter handles to login into their accounts or search for other users on Twitter.

Q2. How To Choose An Effective And Attractive Twitter Handle?

Make the Twitter handle unique to you but also make sure it is recognizable. It’s good to use your name in the Twitter username, and you can add something that represents you or your account.

Q3. What To Do When Your Desired Twitter Handle Is Taken By Someone Else?

You can try a variation of the username you wanted. For example, you can add a number to make it unique or try adding a special character like an underscore.

Q4. How To Change Your Twitter Handle?

Here are the steps to change or edit your Twitter handle:

  • Open the Twitter application and tap on your profile picture
  • Settings and privacy
  • Your account
  • Account information
  • Username
  • Change your username
  • Done

Q5. Should My Twitter Handle Be My Name?

If you want to be recognized by your username then you should add your name or nickname to the username. If you want to stay anonymous on Twitter avoid adding your name in the username.


Hopefully, all these Twitter username ideas inspired you to pick a good username for yourself or your brand. Don’t hesitate to experiment and try out a few different ones.

Just keep in mind these tips while picking out your Twitter handle:

  • Make sure your name is clear
  • Keep it easy to remember
  • Make it unique

You’ll find a perfect username that will suit you and what you represent, and even your followers will resonate with it.

New to Twitter? Here’s how you can see hidden replies on Twitter!

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