How To Add New Contact To WhatsApp?

Add your friends on WatsApp using these easy tips.

Are you looking for how to add new contact to WhatsApp? There are majorly two ways to add a new person to your contact. One way is to tap on add to contact in the chat, or you can first add the person’s number to your contacts and then find them on WhatsApp easily. All you have to do is:

  1. Go to the chat you want to add
  2. Click on Add To contacts.
  3. Tap Create new contact.
  4. Then save the contact on your phone.

So, let’s see how to add new contact to WhatsApp in detail in quick, easy steps.

How Do You Add Contact To WhatsApp?

As we mentioned above, there can be multiple ways to add a contact on WhatsApp. We have mentioned each method with a detailed step-by-step explanation below.

How To add contacts to whatsapp

Add Contact To WhatsApp With A New Chat

  • Open WhatsApp.
  • Go to the Chats tab.

open whatsapp

  • Tap the New chat
  • Tap on Create new contact.

add contacts to whatsapp


  • You’ll be directed to your Phones Contact section.
  • Type the name and phone number of the person and select Save.

save contact

Now that was easy. Let’s see how to add a contact On WhatsApp using your phone.

Save The Contact from the WhatsApp Chat.

  • Go to WhatsApp Chat with the unsaved number.
  • Tap and hold on to the Message.

open chat add to contact

  • Now, tap on Add to contacts.
  • Tap on Create new contact.

create new contact whatsapp

Now search for the contact you added, and that’s all.

Add Contact Via QR Code

  • Go to WhatsApp.
  • Tap on the Message icon at the bottom right.
  • Tap on the QR code icon on the left.

Now you can either scan another person’s QR code or tap on My Code to show it to the person you want to add to your WhatsApp. Here, you do need to save the contact on your phone.

Add Contact To WhatsApp From A Group.

  • Tap a message from a non-contact.
  • Tap Add to Contacts. Choose either:
  • Create New Contact – Verify the name and phone number.
  • Add to Existing Contact – Select an existing contact and verify the name and phone number.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can I Add Contact To WhatsApp Using My Desktop?

No, you cannot. You can only add contacts to WhatsApp using your mobile device. All you need to do is:

  1. Go to your phone’s contact.
  2. Create a new contact you want to add on WhatsApp.
  3. Save the contact.
  4. Go to WhatsApp.
  5. Tap on the message icon at the bottom right.
  6. Tap on the 3 dots at the top right.
  7. Select Refresh.

Now search for the contact you added, and that’s all.

Q2. How To Add An International Phone Number?

To add an international contact on Whatsapp, all you have to do is:

  • But first, open your phone’s address book.
  • Then, when adding the contact’s phone number, start by entering a plus sign (+).
  • Enter the country code, followed by the area code and full phone number. For example- +1 408****** (408 is the area code)
  • Save the contact.
  • Go to WhatsApp.
  • And search the contact in your contact list.

Q3. How To Edit A Contact On WhatsApp?

If someone from your contact has changed their number, you do not have to worry about editing it. Instead, you will see a notification in the chat that the number has been changed.

Q4. How To Generate A Link For WhatsApp Online?

To create a WhatsApp link that you can send directly via chat with your company, you have to follow these steps:

The link will be structured as follows: – where refers to the total business telephone number in international format. Don’t include zeros, brackets, or dashes when adding the number in international form.

For example: if your number is +39 99999999, the WhatsApp link will be At this point, just one click is enough to start the conversation and start chatting immediately.

Q5. Who Uses WhatsApp The most?

With 487.5 million users, India is WhatsApp’s biggest market. 100 billion messages are sent via WhatsApp every day. 53 percent of WhatsApp users in the US use the app at least once a day. One in every four US adults uses WhatsApp.


We have covered everything you need on how to add new contact to WhatsApp. We have also mentioned the 4 easy ways you can add a new number to WhatsApp. For the basic, you can try:

  1. Go to the chat you want to add
  2. Click on Add
  3. Then save the contact on your phone.

Also, in the same way, it is easy to delete a contact from WhatsApp. So here’s everything you need to know about how to add a new contact to WhatsApp. Also, visit our website for more WhatsApp-related content.