Do You Get WhatsApp Screenshot Notifications?

Ever since WhatsApp partnered up with Facebook, privacy has been a huge concern for a lot of WhatsApp users. ‘Does WhatsApp notify screenshots?’ has been a question on everyone’s mind. So while you have the option to turn on disappearing messages, you should still know if someone takes a WhatsApp screenshot.

When you’re sending a text to someone, is that text entirely safe? Because you might think that you’re sending a text to someone you trust, but they could always take a screenshot and share it with someone else. If this happens will you be able to catch them as soon as they take a screenshot?

Let’s learn everything about Whatsapp screenshots:

Will I Get Notified For WhatsApp Screenshot?

Unfortunately, No. WhatsApp doesn’t send you notifications for screenshots taken. This includes screenshots taken of messages as well as profile pictures. You might think if sending a picture or video isn’t protected, then let me send a view once image or video. The view once is very similar to the Snapchat feature and doesn’t save the image or video to their phone, but that still doesn’t stop anyone from taking a screenshot of the picture. They can view the message once and also take a screenshot on their phone without your knowledge.

Disappearing messages are not a feature just limited to WhatsApp. But unlike vanishing messages on Messenger and Instagram, WhatsApp still doesn’t send you a notification for WhatsApp screenshot.

Does WhatsApp Notify When You Screenshot A Story?

On WhatsApp, messages and pictures are screenshotted without your knowledge but does the rule still applies to a story or status on Whatsapp?

The answer is yes, it does. WhatsApp screenshot notifications aren’t available to stories as well. So even when you post a story that will disappear in 24 hours, you shouldn’t be so sure that the story will die out after 24 hours forever. Someone can take a screenshot and keep the story with them forever. Misuse of content on WhatsApp is a huge risk, but there is nothing we can do about it. We just have to wait till WhatsApp follows the leads of other social media apps and starts notifying screenshots.


1. Does WhatsApp Show Screenshots?

No. WhatsApp doesnt show screenshot notifications.

2. How Do I Protect My WhatsApp From Screenshot?

You can’t protect your content from being screenshotted. The only way to prevent your privacy is not to send things you do not want to be screenshotted.

3. Will I Know If Someone Takes A Screenshot During WhatsApp Video Call?

No. WhatsApp doesnt notify you when someone takes any kind of screenshot on the platform.

4. What App Does Notify Screenshots?

Snapchat is known for its notifying screenshots feature. But now, even Instagram and Facebook notify when someone screenshots a chat in the vanish mode.

5. Can You Tell If Someone Has Read Your Text?

If the person has their read receipts on then you will see your ticks become blue once the text is read.


If you were concerned about WhatsApp screenshots, hopefully, this article addressed all those concerns you were having. Now you know that none of your messages or pictures on WhatsApp are safe from being screenshotted. Anyone can take a screenshot of what you send or post, and you will not get notified at all. So be careful with the text you’re sending to people, as they might take a screenshot and share it with someone else without you ever finding out.

This answers your question of does WhatsApp send a notification for a screenshot is no; it doesn’t.

Can you not find your WhatsApp number? Here is how you find your WhatsApp number.

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