What Is YouTube Copyright Strike?

YouTube takes copyright strike very seriously to protect its intellectual property and the YouTube creators on the platform. So, as a creator, you must familiarize yourself with the YouTube copyright strike and how it generally works. This post will explain how many copyright strikes on YouTube are allowed by a channel, as well as details on what happens if you get three copyright strikes on YouTube. But, before we get into more detail about the same, let us start with the basic understanding of copyright before moving on to the YouTube copyright strike.

What Is Copyright?

Copyright is intellectual property that safeguards the creators of original content, work, or authorship. Songs, music, photos, and artwork are all examples of this.

Copyrights are granted automatically when original work is created. There isn’t a copyright renewal mechanism in place right now. That implies the copyright is active for as long as the artist is alive—and in certain circumstances, even longer. A copyright holder can dictate the terms under which copyrighted work may be used or shared by others. Lawfully utilizing licensed, copyrighted music or pictures, should not be confused with copyrights.

What Is YouTube Copyright Strike Infringement?

Copyright infringement on YouTube is also known as copyright violation; the two phrases are interchangeable. This happens when you use copyrighted content that doesn’t belong to you and doesn’t fall under any other copyright use restrictions we’ll go through later.

So the bottom line is if you have created or come up with an original idea for a video on your YouTube channel, then the copyright belongs to you. Similarly, if the original idea belongs to another creator, the copyright belongs to that particular YouTube creator.

The option to submit a Copyright Takedown, for example, allows owners to delete content that is infringing on their copyright. To avoid repetition, YouTube puts a strike on the account that hosted the banned video, essentially downgrading their account status and putting their channel in danger. If a live broadcast receives a strike, YouTube can block the ability to host further live streams on the channel. An account may be deleted after three strikes, eliminating the channel and its content from the site.

What Happens When A YouTube Channel Gets A Copyright Strike?

If you violate copyright, two things might happen, and while they seem similar, they are not the same:

  • Takedown Notice: If someone notices their content being used without their permission, they can file a complaint with YouTube. If there is a breach, YouTube removes the video and issues a copyright strike to the infringer.
  • Content ID Match: YouTube’s Content ID technology automatically matches content that violates copyright against the millions of videos posted to the site each month. For Content ID to operate effectively, copyright owners must submit so-called reference files — authentic versions of their work that verify they possess the rights.

What Happens If You Get 3 Copyright Strikes On YouTube?

After a channel receives 3 strikes on the YouTube channel, the channel will be terminated and will be banned from creating a new one. The copyright strike of the channel will expire in 3 months.

What Is The Difference Between Copyright Strike V/S Copyright Claim?

What is a Copyright Claim?

When a creator copies other creators’ work, whether intentionally or unintentionally, a copyright claim is filed, and the copyright on YouTube is frequently overlooked; nonetheless, the YouTube copyright algorithms are improving.

The Content-ID management system is used to automate copyright claims. The content in question is usually tracked, restricted, or monetized for the copyright owner due to the results. You can still utilize the content, but the owner has the option to limit the video’s viewing to select regions or even charge for it.

Copyright strikes harm a YouTube channel’s reputation since the channel loses its good standing with YouTube. Even if a channel owner removes the offending content, the strike remains active for 90 days. And as we mentioned earlier, YouTube can terminate the channel after three copyright strikes.

It’s easy to mix copyright claims with copyright strikes; while a claim may result in a strike in some circumstances, receiving a claim does not indicate your account has been struck. A claim links your video and the asset that appears in it (sound recording, music video, film, video game, etc.). When your video contains copyrighted content, it permits content owners to monetize, trace, block, or take down your video. Frequently, allegations are made automatically by YouTube’s Content Identification System, and your account does not receive a strike (even when your video is blocked).

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 What happens if you get 1 copyright strikes on YouTube?

Ans. If a channel receives one copyright strike, YouTube will take down the video once it receives a legal takedown request from the copyright owner.

Q.2 What are the 3 strikes on YouTube?

Ans. When you receive a strike, you will receive an email letting you know what content was violated and taken down. Basically, YT will require you to abide by all community rules after issuing a warning.

First Strike: After the first warning, if you receive a second strike, this means you will not be allowed to do the following for a week:

  • Upload a video, schedule a video
  • Create, edit or playlist or collaborations
  • Cannot host live streams or schedule one.

Second Strike: If you receive another strike within 90 days of your first strike, you will not be allowed to post content for 2 weeks on your channel. Also, note that each strike remains for 90 days.

Third Strike: A third strike within the same 90 days of your second strike will result in your YouTube channel getting permanently banned from the platform.

Q.3 How long is a YouTube copyright strike?

Ans. A YouTube copyright strike will remain for 90 days from the time it is issued.

Q.4 What happens if you get 2 copyright strikes on YouTube?

Ans. If you get two copyright strikes, you will be warned against the violations and will not be allowed to post for 2 weeks.

Q.5 Can copyright claim be removed?

Ans. If you have received a strike, you can submit a counter-notification if you think it was a genuine mistake from your end. You can even contact the copyright owner and ask them to retract the claim. The last option is to wait it out until the copyright expires after 90 days.


This was a basic overview of YouTube copyright strikes. So understanding the rules and regulations of YouTube copyright strike is the first step to ensuring that your YouTube channel complies with all these rules, is protected well enough, and helps you earn money through YouTube by avoiding any strikes. Also, please find out more about copyright claims on #justiceforspongebob, trending on Twitter, to be aware of how to prevent copyright claims and fight against them.

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