How To Cancel YouTube Music?

If you want to know how to cancel YouTube music, you must not be like its benefits. Or you have found another music streaming service to soothe yourself with the best music quality and price! Well, whatever might be the reason, you can choose to switch to the free version if you have a problem with the price whenever you want. Well, if you’re wondering how to cancel YT music premium, we’re here to help you!

Open the YT music app and go to the paid membership option under your profile picture to cancel your premium YT music subscription. You can also use the App Store or the Google Playstore to get rid of the premium YT music subscription.

Let’s further see how to cancel YouTube music in detail!

Steps To Cancel YouTube Music Subscription (iOS)

If you’ve found your new go-to app for music, then you would wish to cancel your paid YouTube Music Subscription using your iOS device. Here’s what you have to do if you do not wish to continue your YT music subscription if you are an iOS user:

  1. Open the YouTube Music app.
  2. Tap on the profile picture.
  3. Go to “paid memberships.”
  4. Choose the membership you like to cancel. Tap on it to cancel it further.
  5. Now, tap manage Apple subscriptions.
  6. Then select your membership.
  7. Finally, tap cancel.

If you have purchased the YouTube music subscription through your App store, then you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open the settings app on your phone.
  2. Tap on your name.
  3. Then, tap subscriptions.
  4. Select the YouTube Music subscription and finally tap cancel subscriptions.

If you’re unable to find the cancel subscription button but an expiry message, then that means your subscription is already canceled.

How To Cancel YouTube Music Subscription? (Android)

There isn’t much difference between the steps to cancel YT music subscription for iOS and Android. But unlike iOS, Android users can skip the manage Apple subscriptions. In case you’re confused, you can follow the below steps:

  1. Open YouTube music app on your phone.
  2. Click on your profile icon on the right side.
  3. Select “paid membership.”
  4. Now, choose the membership that you want to cancel
  5. The tap Continue to cancel.
  6. Select the reason you want to discontinue your plan and tap “next.”
  7. You must tap yes, cancel.

You can also use the Google Playstore to cancel your YT music subscription on your android device.

How To Cancel YouTube Music Premium? (PC)

The best and easiest way to cancel any subscription is using the uncomplex PC version of the app. Here the steps to cancel music subscription on YT get simpler. Here’s what you have to do:

1. Open a browser of your choice and type

2. Once the page opens up, click “manage membership.”

3. Now, click “deactivate.”

4. You can choose to pause your membership too. But if you are sure that you want to discontinue, you must click “continue.”

5. Select the reason you want to cancel the membership and click “next.”

6. Finally, click yes, cancel.

How To Cancel YouTube Music Free Trial?

The steps to cancel YouTube music free trial are the same. Follow yet; here’s how you can cancel the free trial:

  1. Open YouTube music on your desktop.
  2. Click on your profile icon on the right side.
  3. Select “paid membership.”
  4. Now, choose the membership that you want to cancel
  5. The tap Continue to cancel.
  6. Select the reason you want to discontinue your plan and tap “next.”
  7. You must tap yes, cancel.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Why can I not cancel YouTube music?

Ans. If you’re unable to cancel YouTube Music, there’s a possibility that your membership is already canceled. Another reason might be that you are checking the wrong account. Check all your accounts to see which has an active subscription.

Q2. Can you cancel YouTube music free trial?

Ans. Yes, you can cancel your YT music subscription in the free trial. This simply means that once your free trial is over, you won’t be able to use the premium features.

Q3. How do I cancel YouTube music through Google?

Ans. Here’s how to cancel the YouTube music premium subscription through Google:

  1. Open the Google Playstore.
  2. Tap on the profile icon on the right side.
  3. Go to “payment and subscriptions.”
  4. Select “subscriptions.”
  5. Finally, cancel YT music subscription.

Q4. Why can’t I cancel YouTube premium on iPhone?

Ans. If you can’t cancel YT premium on iPhone through YouTube, then there’s a possibility that you have purchased YT premium membership through the app store. Therefore you need to follow these steps to get rid of YT premium on iPhone:

  1. Open the settings app on your phone.
  2. Tap on your name.
  3. Then, tap subscriptions.
  4. Select the YouTube Music subscription and finally tap cancel subscriptions.

Q5. Why did YouTube charge me for a free trial?

Ans. YouTube has not charged but just held the amount until your free trial gets over. YT does this to confirm the validity of your card and check if you have enough funds to purchase once the trial period gets over.


Wasn’t it easy to know how to cancel YouTube Music? For both iOS and Android users, you need to go to the YT music app and cancel the premium membership under the ‘paid membership’ option. You can also use the App Store or Google Playstore to cancel your YT subscription. Though canceling the premium version for YT music on the PC is the easiest! All you have to do is:

  1. Click this link.
  2. Choose your membership and click cancel.

Also, most importantly, you can cancel the YT music free trial too before the paid version starts! Also, if you think the YT music premium subscription was expensive, you can use the version as well, but of course, you’ll have to listen to ads. Or here’s how you can get YouTube premium for free if you want to watch videos and songs too!

Anasia D'Mello: