How To Setup Super Chats And Stickers On YouTube?

So you’re a YouTube creator who wants to step up their monetization game? You’ve come to the right place and we’ve got it covered. In January 2017, YT rolled out the feature of super chats and stickers which allows the users to pay to pin their comments on YouTube live streams (basically fan funding). It connects the users to their favorite streamers. When someone joins the live stream on YouTube, they can click on the dollar sign on the chat screen to slide in some money to get their comment pinned and this can be seen by everyone the YouTube live.

The more somebody pays, the longer their comment stays on the chat screen. Maximum it stays up to 5 hours. A super chat or a super sticker appears in a different color than other messages on the screen and you can also see the amount of money paid for the super chat. This feature of super chats and super stickers is a win-win pact for the fans who want attention from their favorite creators and the creators who want to spike up their YouTube revenue.

Here’s how you can setup super chats and stickers on YouTube.

Steps To Setup Super Chats And Stickers On YT

Using Super chats and stickers is a way to connect with your fans and make a profit out of it as well. Following are the steps to enable super chats and stickers on your YT channel.

How To Enable YouTube Super Chats And Stickers?

Turning on Super chats and stickers is a total boost for YouTube creators. It helps them grow and get some returns too. All you have to do is open YT, click on monetization, and then within a few clicks, your live stream will be open to super chats and stickers.

  • Go To YouTube Studio.

  • Under Channel, Click on Status and features, and then you’ll see a list of features.


  • Choose “Super chats” from the list and enable it.

  • A sign-up screen will show all you have to do is fill in the needed information.

  • Read the terms and conditions and tick the checkbox.

And that’s it! You’re done. Now you can use the super chat and stickers feature on your YT and make money. Congratulations, we have some tips and tricks to earn better using YouTube Super chats and stickers.

Hacks to Boost Your YouTube Revenue Using Super Chats and Stickers

  • Interact with your audience: A live stream is basically closely engaging with your viewers. It builds a sense of bond between the subscribers and the creator. You should essentially ignite discussions, and ideas or do Q and A’s to foster the sense of belonging in the community. Sometimes the audience likes little know-about-me videos which you should do if it fits your niche.
  • Talk about how the donations will help: Ample of users like to be a part of fan funding campaigns. They get the feeling of satisfaction in knowing that they’re helping their favorite creator. You should explain to the audience how you are gonna utilize the money for more exciting things on the channel or a social cause.
  • Promote yourself: Being a YT creator, you must know that for more engagement on your channel you need to be first seen by the masses. In essence, if people don’t know who you are and what you do then they won’t engage on your channel. So a simple solution: You can schedule your YouTube live streams and accordingly promote them on your social media handles.


Now that you know how to setup super chats and stickers on YouTube just by going to YT studio, clicking on status and features then simply hit the enable super chats and stickers. Before all this, first make sure that your YouTube channel is eligible for it. All you need to check is if your channel is monetized and you’re over 18. Once you tick off these checkboxes, you’re good to go and use the given tips and tricks to boost your live streams.

There are tons of more ways to amplify your YT revenues and increase engagement on your channel. Make sure you keep an open mind and imbibe the knowledge for your good.

Akanksha Jadhav: