How To Create A Facebook Group?

Facebook groups are a great way to enlarge your FB community and hold up users to your page forever! But there are a lot of people who don’t know how to create a Facebook page. Facebook has various ways to be in the eyes of your audience all the time; making a group is one of them. So if you want to try this method to grow your page, here’s how to create a Facebook group for all devices.

How To Create A Group On Facebook? (Android & iOS)

After starting a Facebook group, you can help yourself to reach a wider audience and enhance your group’s growth. So, to know how to create FB group, you must follow these steps! 

  • Open your Facebook account on your phone.
  • Go to the hamburger icon.

  • Here, tap on groups, and go to your group.

  • After that, select the create group option.

  • Now, you have to keep your group name. So name it and do the privacy setting.
  • You can keep it public or private and tap the create group button at the bottom of Facebook.

  • Once you do it, your group will be created, and you will get suggested members to send invitations.
  • Send an invitation to people you want to be your group member and tap on next.

  • Now, you have to follow the instructions provided on the screen.
  • Upload a cover photo, add a description, choose goals, and create a post.

  • Once you follow the instructions, tap on done.

How Do I Create A Group On Facebook? (Desktop)

You have got to know how do I create a group on Facebook on the phone. But, if you use your FB account more on your computer and searching for the desktop guidelines, here are the steps to know how to make a Facebook group on the desktop:

  • First, go to chrome and open your Facebook account on your computer.

  • Once you open it, you will see the groups option on the left panel and tap ” create a new group.”

  • Now, give your group a name, select privacy and invite people (optional) and tap on create button at the bottom.

  • Your group will be created, and now tap on the edit button to design your Facebook page with some cover photo, description, targeting your goals, etc.

Facebook group has the potential to expand your page and bring extreme traffic. And if you post quality posts, it will entice your target audience to join the group and be your member.

If you create a Facebook group for business purposes, you must monetize your Facebook group with modern marketing techniques to make some money!

You can also share a post on Facebook because sometimes people are so busy that they don’t get time to scroll on Facebook and miss some posts. So if you share it with them, it will catch their attention!

Method To Invite People After You Set Up A Facebook Group? (Mobile)

Sometimes after you create a Facebook group and want to seek more attention on your page, you wish to send invitation links to people. And if you do, they may get compelled and join the group. So here is how you can invite people to a Facebook group:

  • Open your group page, and tap on the invite button.
  • Tap on share group.

  • Go to more options. Once you do it, you can invite people and choose anyone you wish to share with.

Besides this, you can also invite people to your Facebook page and events if you have created one! If you do it, your Facebook page will get the support and love it needs to develop!

How To Add Files To FB Group?

To know how to add files to your Facebook group, you must create a FB post first. Then, go to the make a post option, select the file you wish to add and tap the post button.

How To Change A Public FB Group To Private?

You can change a public Facebook group to private while creating a group. Or else do it after you know how to create FB group. For that, you need to tap the edit button on the FB group page.

Why I Can’t Create A Facebook Group Page?

Anyone can make a Facebook group page by having a personal FB account. If you can’t create a Facebook page, it might be because you didn’t update the Facebook application.

So if you are a businessman who wants to make a community group, refer to the guide on how to create a Facebook group above. But if you are a creator and have a FB page instead of an account, you can join other FB groups as a page too.

Shivani Rai: