Sorry There Was A Problem With Your Request Instagram

Have you recently encountered the issue of ‘sorry there was a problem with your request Instagram’? We are here to help you fix the issue of ‘sorry there was a problem with your request.’

Let us find out what the issue means and how to resolve the issue when a user attempts to log in to their account. Also, if you have faced the problem of ‘try again later, we have solutions. But first, let us find the reasons and causes of ‘sorry there was a problem with your request Instagram.

What Causes ‘Sorry There Was A Problem With Your Request’?


The Instagram “sorry there was a problem with your request” issue prevents you from accessing your account and can be brought on by several factors like the following:

  • Check username and password combinations.
  • Check if your Instagram account has been banned or suspended due to violations of Instagram’s terms and conditions.
  • Check if you have logged in from a new device that requires verification.
  • If the IP address is blocked.
  • If there is a problem between your device and Instagram’s server.
  • If you are using an old device that no longer supports the new version of Instagram.
  • If your smartphone has hardware problems.

You now have a fundamental understanding of the nature of the issue, so let’s move on to the solutions. So, with these solutions, you would be able to resolve the problem on your own if you ever face an error.

How To Fix The Issue Of Sorry There Was A Problem With Your Request Instagram?

In this section we will go through a list of solutions you can try to fix the issue. Depending on the success rate of these solutions, we recommend that you try these fixes in the order that we have mentioned.

Wait Until Instagram Resolves The Technical Issue

There is a good chance that the Instagram app has a technical problem or that the Instagram app server is unavailable. On the other hand, maybe Instagram knows about this and is attempting to fix the problem.

You are helpless in this situation; all you can do is wait till the Instagram team fixes the problem or the Instagram server is operational.

Clear Instagram App Cache

The following solution is to try clearing the app’s cache, which should resolve the issue.

To clear the app cache, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Go to settings
  • Go to Apps

  • Look for Instagram App
  • Go to Storage
  • Click on clear cache

Switch To Mobile Data

Please turn off your Wi-Fi connection and use your mobile data to check whether it solves the purpose.

However, if you’re using mobile data, you might want to try switching on a Wi-Fi network.

Once you have switched to mobile data, you can try logging in to your Instagram account.

Restart/Update The Instagram App

One of the most basic yet efficient fixes for most technical issues is restarting your device. Restart your phone by pressing and holding the Power button while selecting Restart to get Instagram back up and running. Before attempting to connect to Instagram’s servers, restarting your smartphone might help.

If restarting does not help, you can update the app to its latest version from the Play store or App store.

Open Instagram App On A Different Device

Try logging into your Instagram account with a different phone to see if the “Sorry There Was a Problem With Your Request” problem had been resolved.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 Why is my Instagram request not working?

Sometimes, there can be a technical glitch that can be resolved by restarting your phone. If that does not help, you can update the app. In most cases, this proves to be effective and will solve the problem.

Q.2 Why did Instagram block my IP address?

Instagram can block the IP address for the following reasons: inappropriate content, abusive behavior or content.

Q.3 How long does Instagram ban your IP?

Your IP address may be restricted for a maximum of 24 to 48 hours. Sometimes, prohibitions can last for two weeks. Instagram will long-term block your IP address if there have been repeated violations.

Q.4 How long is Instagram jail?

The temporary restriction may be for a few hours, a few days, or even up to four weeks if you haven’t been given a date with your action block notification.

Q.5 Can Instagram ban your device?

Instagram will prevent the user from using the service after taking action against an account. This means Instagram will restrict the user from accessing the account from the device. The account will be blocked for further use from the device.

Q.6 Why Can’t I Get Back Into My Instagram Account?

If you haven’t broken any of Instagram’s rules, it may be because of a temporary bug on Instagram’s end. Otherwise another reason you can’t get your Instagram account back is because you broke the rules and got your account banned.


In this article, you have learned how to fix ‘Sorry there was a problem with your request Instagram’

To give you a quick recap, here are all the methods covered in the article in brief:

  • Wait for Instagram to resolve the issue
  • Clear Instagram App Cache
  • Switch to mobile data
  • Update/Restart the app
  • Open the Insta app on a different device.

Further, you can also read about how to fix Instagram, saying I have a message, but I don’t error, as this is also a common error that users face.

Sonam Badia: