Why Are My Instagram Stories Blurry?

Are you looking for an answer to ‘why are my Instagram stories blurry?’ there could be so many reasons why your Instagram stories are blurred. But we are here to tell you how you can fix your blurry photos and videos in IG stories. At the top of the list are a few reasons why your IG stories are blurry. For example, your Instagram isn’t updated, Instagram cropped the quality of the photos, your internet connection is not strong, etc. Also, another reason why your IG story pictures are blurry after uploading is that you are adding music. So if you get blurry stories on Insta after adding songs to it, you should read on. but don’t worry.

We will also list 5 solutions below to fix why my Instagram stories are blurry.

Why Do My Instagram Stories Look Blurry When I Add Music?

You’ve found the perfect photo for your story, and suddenly it is all blurry because of the music. This can be frustrating, especially when you want everyone to see what you’re seeing but with a little song.

This can happen because when we add music to our IG story’s pictures, it uses more data to upload the story, and it causes blurriness to the IG story. Of course, you don’t want that, but sometimes Instagram cannot stop the image from becoming blurred. Read below to see the other 5 fixes to the blurry Instagram story.

5 Ways On How To Fix Instagram Stories Blurry.

If we sit and tell you every reason why is Insta story blurry and the solutions to fix those reasons, one article won’t be enough. As we mentioned, there are N reasons why Instagram stories are blurry.

We have picked the 5 most common problems of blurry IG stories faced by IG users.

1. Update Instagram

It is self-explanatory. If your Instagram app isn’t updated, your IG stories will be blurry. So you have to keep your Instagram updated so that you do not miss out on the latest features on the app, and your IG stories will not be blurry.

To update your Instagram app, go to the Apple store or Google Playstore if you use an Android, search for Instagram, and click on an update. After the IG app is updated, upload an IG story, which should be pretty straightforward. If still blurry, read on to find another solution.

2. Test Your Camera To Fix Blurred IG stories

Another problem, another solution. It can sometimes be that your phone camera is not working correctly. That’s why your Insta stories a looking blurry. So to check whether your phone camera is working fine or not, click a picture and send it to your friend. If they say that the picture is in pretty bad quality, then your phone camera is causing blurry stories on IG.

To fix this, you need to go to your iPhone settings and select camera, then turn on Smart HDR mode to click clear pictures from your phone camera. If you are an Android user,  go to the camera, click on the settings icon, and turn the toggle on for HDR.

Now click a picture and upload it on IG stories. And now, for sure, your IG stories should not be blurry. But, if your Insta story is still blurry, go to the next solution to fix Instagram blurry stories.

3. Check Your Mobile Internet Connection

Your IG story will be blurry if you have a poor internet connection. First, you must check if your Wi-Fi has the proper internet connection. If not, call your internet service provider and fix the issue.

If your Wi-Fi is working fine and you still find that your IG stories are blurry, then it’s time to turn off your Wi-Fi and switch to your mobile internet. Try uploading an account on Instagram and then check if the picture is still blurry on the IG story or not.

4. Turn Off Data Saver On Instagram

Another reason your pictures are blurry on Instagram stories is that you have toggled on data save mode on Instagram. This can cause limit data usage on Instagram, and in the end, it causes blurry pictures on Instagram.

To turn off the data saver mode on Insta, you will have to go to settings, then go to account and select Mobile Data settings and toggle off the ‘Data Saver’ switch.

Then upload a picture on your IG stories to check if the picture is still blurry on the Instagram story. If the IG story is still blurry, check the solution below.

5. Turn On High-Quality Uploads

Last but not least, Turning off the High-quality option might be the one reason your pictures on Instagram stories are blurry.

When you turn off ‘Use less data,’ you will find an ‘Upload At Highest Quality’ switch below it. Turn it on, and your IG stories won’t be blurry anymore.

So here are your reasons why your Instagram stories are blurry after uploading and the solutions to fix those problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. I Can’t Update Instagram. What’s Happening?

As mentioned above, one of the options to fix your Instagram Story woes is to update the app. If you can’t update your app, check if it’s complete. You must say bye to a few items to make space for an IG app update. Assuming you have enough storage available, if your Phone software isn’t updated, you might not be able to update the Instagram app.

Q2. Why Are My IG stories Videos Blurry?

As we mentioned the 5 reasons above, they can also apply to your IG story videos. Another reason your video on IG stories is blurry is that the aspect ratio of the video is unsuitable for Instagram. The aspect ratio for uploading videos on IG is 1.91:1 and 9:16. Remember that IG compresses videos before you upload them on stories; this can cause blurriness.

Q3. How Do I Stop My Instagram Stories From Going Blurry?

A bad internet connection can also cause Instagram stories that you upload to appear pixelated. This is because when you’re recording a video, the app will automatically reduce the quality of uploading it successfully. The best way to fix this is to connect to a strong Wi-Fi signal.

Q4. What To Do If Instagram Stories Are Blurry Even After Turning Off Data Saver Mode?

After turning off ‘use less data’ on  Instagram, you have to turn on ‘High-quality uploads” it. Once it is turned on, you can upload clear photos on Instagram.

Q5. My Instagram Stories Blurry Only When I Add Filter/GIF/Music?

It’s not your phone or anything else but an Instagram issue. IG compresses the image with a gif or a filter because it considers the image a video.


We have covered all the essential points of why are my Instagram stories blurry. So, read the above points and FAQs to solve your issue of blurry pictures and videos on your IG stories. Another thing you can try is to post the video or IG story without zooming in or uploading videos per IG story length. 

We know how important it is to upload a clear photo on your IG story for business and other users, but we can’t help if Instagram compresses your videos and pictures and cause blurriness on your IG story. It is no one’s fault; unfortunately, we have to wait for an Instagram update where they fix this issue. Here’s everything you need to know about why are my Instagram stories blurry. Until then, keep visiting our website for more Instagram-related content,

Vaishnavi Thembekar: