How To Go Live On Facebook?

If you are a creator who wants to connect with your audience more, you must know how to go live on Facebook. Going live would be a great option if you have a business and you want to spread brand awareness. But not just that, you can also use it to have quality time with your loved ones.

Here’s the step-by-step guide on how to go live on Facebook to hand out to your friends and audience.

How To Live Stream On Facebook? (iPhone)

Before going live on Facebook, understand that when you tap the go live button, all your friends can join the session. So if you want to chew over some important thing with particular people, you can create a Facebook room for that. If not, here are the steps to live stream on Facebook:

1. Open your Facebook application, and tap “what’s on your mind?” at the top.

2. Write something if you want to in the description, and tap on the live video option.

3. You can change the privacy setting of the live sessions and add effects to your live video.

4. After you finish, tap the “Go live” video button at the bottom.

5. Facebook will ask for microphone and camera access. Allow that, and you are good to go!

Steps To Do Facebook Live On Android

If you use Facebook lite to save your internet connection, you must ditch this thought when you are about to go live. This is because the application consumes less data to function and provides a so-so experience. The process of going live on android is similar to the iPhone. Here’s how you can do Facebook live:

1. Open the Facebook application, and tap ” write something here ” at the top.

2. You will see different options on the screen. Tap the live video option.

3. Now, choose the privacy of your live video, and add a description to it.

4. Add stickers, effects, and text if you want. Once you have done this, tap the “Go Live” button at the bottom.

You will see your friends who are online at the bottom. So, if you don’t want anyone of them to join your life, you must block them.

How Do You Go Live On Facebook On Your Desktop?

It’s also crucial for you to know how you go live on Facebook on your desktop if you run FB on it. You can create a live session on the computer using an in-built webcam. Here are the steps:

1. Launch FB on your desktop, and head to the live video option.

2. Now, select the Go live option at the bottom.

3. Head to the Go Live option on the left panel of the screen.

4. You will be asked to give a camera and microphone access and tap on allow.

5. Once you do it, tap on the Go live button.

Steps To Post Live Video On FB

If you want to post live video on Facebook, you must end it first. Check out the following steps to know how to end and post it.

1. Tap on the finish button at the bottom. You will see the ending live broadcast prompt.

2. Now, tap on the post to profile option. Once you do it, you will be asked about the duration of keeping the video on your timeline.

3. Select “delete after 30 days” or “never delete,” whichever you want, and tap the post button below.

So that’s everything you need to know about how to go live on Facebook. If you have a Facebook group and want to connect with only the member, you can go live on FB groups separately.

Shivani Rai: