What Does Clearing Cache Do On TikTok?

Every app you download on your phone takes up some space on your phone. The more you utilize it, the more space it takes up. Now you’re wondering how is this space related to cache and what does clearing cache do on TikTok?

Before we get into the details, you must’ve noticed how when you first downloaded TikTok onto your phone the app took its sweet time to load up. It also showed you the most random TikTok videos on the platform and most of those videos you didn’t even watch just scrolled past. This was the app getting to know you and creating a specific space for itself on your device. Cache is not where it saves data like your watch history, so to check your watch history you need to follow some other steps.

It’s not just TikTok, every app on your phone does this when you first download it. So let’s see what cache is on TikTok, what it means to clear cache, and how to clear cache on TikTok:

What Is Cache On TikTok?

Every app wants to be the best app on your phone. Being the best app means making sure you’re using the app frequently and finding it easy to use the app. If an app is slow or takes too much time loading you won’t have the best time using it and you might end up deleting it. So to make sure the user never experiences the slow loading after the first use, every app including TikTok saves cache files on your device. This way TikTok doesn’t have to download data from the internet every time you try using the app, it can just go to the cache files it has saved and access the data from there.

When you have these cache files saved from TikTok it also takes less of your data. TikTok already has an understanding of your interests and the setting you prefer to watch your videos in, so it can directly give you the best app experience. So does clearing cache erase all your data?

What Does Clear Cache Mean On Tik Tok?

When you clear cache on TikTok you are erasing all your saved settings and data from TikTok. This means that the app will again have to read your profile and understand your likes and dislikes. Again as the app starts understanding you it will start storing the data it understands about you in a cache file. At first, your app will be a little slow to start as it will be downloading data in bulk from the internet and running programs in the background but once it is ready it’ll run faster than your last experience as it will run as new.

You need to understand that clearing cache doesn’t delete your previous interactions on TikTok.

You will still see your uploads, likes, comments, and everything else. TikTok just erases their understanding of you as a user. So you don’t have to worry about losing history on TikTok. So clearing cache from time to time will only improve your app performance. If you want to delete something on TikTok let’s say you want to clear drafts there are other ways to do that.

How To Clear TikTok Cache?

Clearing cache on TikTok is super easy! You have to follow these few simple steps:

  1. Open TikTok and then open your profile page.
  2. Head to the three dots icon at the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Scroll down to the very end to find Clear cache and tap on Clear cache.

Thats it! You have cleared TikTok cache. Now your app should run more smoothly than before. You should clear your TikTok cache every once in a while when you think your app has started lagging. Clearing cache will only be beneficial for your app and your phone it won’t affect any of your important data.


Clearing cache is a common way to clear up some storage from your phone without deleting anything important. It also helps your apps run like new. So clear your TikTok cache once in a while. This doesn’t just limit to TikTok you can clear the cache of other apps like Instagram on your device too. You can easily find the app list in your settings and just tap on the app name you want to clear the cache from.

Clearing cache is also suggested when you are facing some issues with the app. It will take some time for you to get back to the ‘for you page’ you like but your app will run more smoothly.

Hopefully, now you know what does clearing cache do on TikTok? And you will clear cache whenever you think you need to.

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