How To Get More Views On Reels?

Creating Instagram reels is really fun and an excellent tactic to increase your reach, but the real question is, how to get more views on reels? You get an incredible feeling of achievement once you see your reels on the Instagram explore page. Almost 250 million people on Instagram create reels every day and every second, but there is another section of people who can be your audience, and you can get more views on Instagram reels if you play your cards right.

The basic requirement is to make your IG account public or a business profile. One with a creator tag would work wonders for you. So here’s the list of 7 super easy hacks you should use to get more views on reels.

8 Best Ways To Get More Views On Instagram Reels

Practicing these 7 elements of virality, you will certainly get more views on reels on Instagram. Besides creating content consistently and engaging with your followers on Instagram, you should look out for the following tips, as they can make your reels shoot up on Instagram.

1. Using Sounds That Are In Trend To Get More Views On Instagram

Remember all those viral reels sound you saved for later and thought you would be creating awesome reels using them? You need to use them now and create reels with the ongoing trends. Instagram trends change with a nick of time. So you have to buckle up and make reels using the trending sounds and music.

2. Write Captions With Keywords That Are Searched More

Instagram is taking steps toward being more search engine optimized. So if you use keywords with more search volume in your captions, there are chances that your reels will be seen at the top of the IG explore page just like you wish to! Find what keywords are trending on Instagram and write your captions creatively around them. This won’t make an overnight change but keep practicing this to get more views on reels, and you will see more views on reels

3. SEO Optimize Your Instagram Reels With Hashtags

Hashtags on Instagram reels are the keywords that help you reach the top of the search lists. So, ensure that you use the correct hashtags because they are your key to getting more views on reels on Instagram. Also, one tip to follow is not to use generic hashtags just because they are popular. If you are following a trend, use popular hashtags relevant to the trend.

4. Post When Your Audience Is The Most Active

For this, you need to keep an eye on your insights consistently. Especially the audience tab. See when your audience is active the most and when you got the most engagement on your posts. Make a report for this, and you will find the best time to post your reels on Instagram. Now, whenever you post your reel at the selected time, you will see more views on your reels at that particular time.

5. Create Anticipation To Get More Views On Reels

Have you seen reels on Instagram with captions or texts on the reels saying, “wait till the end,” or “Did you know?” and you wait till the reel is over? This kind of caption makes your reels more interesting. They add an enticing element to your reels. So try using more suspenseful content to get more views on reels.

6. Make Your Reels Engaging With CTA

Asking your audience to like, share, and comment on your content is one thing, and making them like, share, and comment on your content is a marketing strategy you need to master. The hack is to trick the IG algorithm. Tag your friends in the reels if they are in the reels and ask people to tag certain celebs in the comments so that Instagram recognizes the activity on your reels and makes it available on the explore page.

7. Collaborate With Other Creators To Get More Views On Reels

Collaboration always helps you get more views, whether reels or any other post. It’s obvious that your reels will be viewed by the other creators’ target audience, which might result in converting them into your audience. Collaborating on Instagram is the ultimate trick to getting more likes and views on your reels.

8. Be Updated With Your Instagram Analytics Tools

When you turn your private IG profile into a business page, you get an extra feature of Instagram insights. Over here, you can track how many views your reels get or what are your Instagram impressions. The benefit is you do not have to use any third-party analytical tool for your IG, and in addition, in Insta insights, you get a detailed profile report. So, go ahead and use this fantastic Instagram tool to get more views on reels.

That’s all, folks! Instagram reels have become a career option for many creators. You can also edit your reels and transitions to your reels and make them more interesting to watch. Remember, today, the audience’s attention span has been reduced to 5 seconds. So if your reels can keep your audience engaged for at least the first 5 seconds, you have already won half the battle in getting more views on Instagram.

Keep practicing the tips mentioned above, and you will undoubtedly get more views on reels on your Instagram. Also, feel free to let us know what results you got from using the hacks above!

Vaishnavi Thembekar: