How To Set Up Instagram Shop In 2024?

If you’re an entrepreneur looking to enhance your business, we’ve got a magic bullet: the Instagram shop. It is one of the prime e-commerce platforms today. Once you set up Instagram shop, brands can organize a list of shoppable goods from their store that can be directly accessed through their Instagram profile and profit from many product engagement opportunities. Ready to learn and earn by setting up an Instagram shop?

Here are the steps you should follow and things you should know to set up an Instagram Shop and thrive the sales.

How To Set Up  Instagram Shop On Your IG Profile?

Establishing an Instagram Shop is way easier than you think. Here’s a simple manual to get started. First, you need to change your Instagram to a business account, link it to your Facebook, and get set. Go!

Here are the steps to set up Instagram shop.

  • Check if your business prevails in assisted markets, complies with all of Instagram’s policies and guidelines, and has an official website and domain.


  • Add your product catalog and merchandise, inventory, and descriptions list.

  • Submit your account for review. Once you’ve signed up for shopping, then visit shopping in your settings to check the update, if any. This might take a couple of days.

  • Once your account is approved for business, tap on shopping in settings, connect to the product catalog you want on your account and click done.

In case you don’t see the shopping option on your account, it means your account is still under verification or has been disapproved. This process takes a few days.

How To Promote Your Instagram Shop?

Once you set up an Instagram Shop successfully, a ‘View Shop’ option will be accessible, and from here, your page visitors can have a look or shop from your account.

1. Tag Products In Posts: Now, you can also start tagging your products on your Instagram posts, reels, or videos, and all of this will open the doors to more e-commerce opportunities.

2. Promote Products On IG Stories: Eventually, if your Instagram account is moderately popular or you have a specific audience. However, if you don’t have a lot of followers, you still get the ‘swipe up on story’ feature because you have an Instagram shop and not just a personal account. This ‘swipe up’ feature allows you to post a story and add a webpage link which, if the user has swiped up, only then appears.

3. Other Promotional Tactics: Although establishing an Instagram shop for your brand is not a blank cheque to Sureshot success, you must also consider some marketing strategies and study the market and its trends. Market your product to the masses by collaborating with public figures or Instagram influencers that match your niche.


Just a few steps – examining your business, converting your IG profile to a business, linking to Facebook, and waiting for Instagram’s approval and that’s all it takes to set up an Instagram shop and earn money from IG. This might sound troublesome, but the outcomes are worth it all. Integrating your business on Instagram is a powerful and effective way to gain public recognition for your brand. With influencer marketing and creative posts, you can spike up your sales. Even if larger conglomerations mostly dominate the world, Instagram is the perfect solution for your business.

Akanksha Jadhav: