How To Make Twitter Pink In 2024?

Here is how you can make your twitter turn pink in any iOS device and desktop

Wondering how to make Twitter pink? Creating a pink Twitter can help you expand your creative area, as playing around with colors is always fun and frolic. While this may seem all made up, it’s possible to get the pink Twitter on the desktop by going to the more tab, selecting the display option, and choosing the pink color from the themes section. 

You can also choose other different color options available and adjust the intensity of the theme color. So let’s see how to make Twitter pink on your devices.

How To Make Twitter Pink In iPhone?

First things first, you cannot change the Twitter color to pink on iPhone or Android. Unfortunately, this feature is not available on the Twitter app for iOS or Android.

You can use third-party apps to turn Twitter pink on your iPhone. In addition, third-party apps such as Tweetcaster can help you with browsing and filtering options that Twitter does not offer for iPhones. Not to forget, they come with a  special pink-themed edition of premium too.

However, the thing with a third-party app is that it keeps crashing, and you might risk your data. In addition, Twetercaster asks for your Apple id and password to continue working on your iPhone.

Also, do read the app description before you download such apps. For example, Tweetercaster has mentioned in their app description that they collect your information for the use of the app. In addition, Tweetcaster has also mentioned that they may share your information with their partners for presenting personalized ads on the app.

 How To Turn Your Twitter Pink On A Desktop?

Although you can customize your Twitter background on your phone, you still have the chance to change your Twitter background to pink and make it pretty cute on your desktop. And trust me, it is a very simple process.

Pink Twitter

Here is how you can get Twitter pink on the desktop.

  • Log into Twitter from your account.
  • Select me
  • Select the more

How To Make Twitter Pink

  • Next, select choose display 

Create a pink Twitter

  • Now, you can upload a pink-themed graphic instantly!

Pink twitter

After applying all the necessary settings, you can play around with the intensity of the color with the help of a gradient scale. You can choose from various colors that we have listed below!

  • Purple
  • Pink
  • Orange
  • Green
  • Blue

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What Is A Twitter Color Extension?

If you plan to customize your Twitter on a laptop, you can easily use Chrome extensions such as customize Twitter. In addition, you can easily surf your way by changing your Twitter web client’s accent color. You can use various colors such as pink, blue, green, yellow, or any of your preferences!

Q2. What Is Pink Twitter?

Twitter Pink is a feature on the Twitter desktop version to change the appearance and theme of your Twitter account in pink. You can also change the Twitter theme of your account to other different colors like orange, purple, green, etc.

Q3. Can I Choose The Intensity Of The Color On Twitter?

Yes, absolutely, you can! You can choose how intense or faded out you want the color for your Twitter theme.

Q4. Can Others See That I Have Turned My Twitter Pink?

No, other Twitter users won’t be able to see that you have turned your Twitter pink.

Q5. Why Can’t I Change Twitter To Pink Color?

If you are using the Twitter mobile app, you won’t be able to make Twitter change color as this feature is unavailable on the mobile version. However, if you are using the Twitter browser version, try installing the Google custom color extension, and then you can make your Twitter pink.


We have covered the basics of how to make Twitter pink with the above steps. Unfortunately, if you are using your iPhone, you won’t be able to find this option on the Twitter app. either you can download the third-party app or wait for the feature to launch on the app version.

To make Twitter pink on the desktop, head over to more tab on the left and select display. Then, choose the color you want; now, you have your custom color background for Twitter. So here’s everything you need on how to make Twitter pink.

We are looking forward to hearing about your creativity levels!