What Is Product Positioning? Types And Examples

Product positioning is a type of marketing that entails defining the place of a new product in the minds of a target audience. You can discover which audience will respond best to your products via market research and focus groups. To do so, you must respond to two questions that your potential clients may ask you.

First and foremost, people want to know how the thing you’re selling can help them solve their problems. The second reason is why customers should choose your product over your competitor’s. Finally, they will almost surely pick your products if they like the answers you offer to these two fundamental questions.

Why Is Product Positioning Important?

product positioning

A well-thought-out strategy can pinpoint the product’s place in the market and its customer benefits. To offer a product that meets the demands, each brand must get to know its customers.

Based on client demands, competing alternatives, the most successful communication channels, and specialized messaging, marketers must find the best methods to promote certain products/services and reach their target audience. For example, companies should construct messages that satisfy their consumers’ requirements and wants and convince them to buy by implementing product positioning strategies.

What Are The Types Of Product Positioning?

There are eight types of product Positioning:

  • Quality
  • Variety
  • Performance
  • Efficiency
  • Reliability
  • Aesthetic
  • Sustainability
  • Do-It-Yourself

Examples Of Companies Who Does Product Positioning Well?

brand positioning


The Dove brand takes a customer-centric approach, and it is positioned as it aims to encourage people to feel secure in their skin as they are. So, for example, the ‘Real Beauty’ campaign, which tapped into the emotional story of personal care, focused on women’s natural beauty rather than airbrushed fantasy.

It has been able to connect with its target demographic, who believe in and support the brand for what it symbolizes and stands for, which is a movement to celebrate realistic beauty standards. No other brand in its category has honestly done this, and Dove’s positioning approach has given it a competitive advantage in its industry.


The fast-food behemoth has become a global success because it understands its consumers in each country, their cultural demands, and requirements and provides them with the most incredible experience possible.

McDonald’s became known as the “Low-Priced, Quality Hamburger with Quicker Delivery.” The Quality Hamburger became synonymous with quality experience and cleanliness. According to Porter’s definition of strategy, McDonald’s provided customers with both value and a low price.


It is one brand dominating the IT industry, even persuading clients to buy products they didn’t know they needed: “Until you show people what they want, they don’t know what they want. “Our job is to read things that aren’t on the page yet,” Steve Jobs explains.

Everyone knows that this fruit is the world’s most powerful brand. Apple is widely acknowledged as a brand that employs product positioning. As you are all aware, Apple creates computers that are unlike anything you have seen before.


So, now you know how to position your product in the market like these giants in the industry. Then, implement these examples into your products, as we discussed. Apart from this, learn more about pure competition as competitors offer identical products and services and distinguish your brand from the rest of the competition.