How To Pin Someone Else’s Tweet On Twitter? (Updated 2024)

Want to pin a tweet from another account? Here's how.

Twitter allows users to pin any tweet at the top of their profile. Pinning your own tweet is a simple affair. But absolutely! Twitter doesn’t give the direct option to stick someone’s tweet at the top that isn’t yours like they do to pin your own tweet. However, with a little workaround, you can easily pin other people’s tweets in 2024 to your profile.

In this article, you will learn everything there is to learn about how to pin any tweet on Twitter.

How To Pin Someone Else’s Tweet On An iPhone?

You need to use the quote tweet feature to nail other people’s, retweeted, or retweeted tweets. Once you quote the tweet, you can easily stick somebody else’s tweet to your profile. Using the combination of Pin Tweet and Quote Tweet features on Twitter iPhone. You can pin other people’s tweets to your profile quickly.

  • Open the Twitter App
  • Go to the profile of the user whose tweet you want to pin to the top of your account. Find the Tweet.
  • Tap on the retweet (share)option next to the reply icon.

select tweet-steps

  • You will receive two options: Retweet and Quote Tweet.

If you retweet a tweet, it’s like sharing it as it is. It will show on your profile, but you don’t get the option to pin it. The Quote Tweet feature allows you to share the tweet with your take on it. You can add your comment along with the retweeted content. It also shows up on your profile, and you can pin it.

  • Tap on Quote Tweet. Write something you wish to comment on. If you have nothing to comment on, add an emoji you feel is apt.
  • Tweet the Quote. 


  • Go to your Twitter profile.
  • Find the tweet.
  • Click on the three dots icon at the top right corner of the tweet.


  • Select the option ‘Pin to Profile.’
  • Confirm your decision to pin the tweet.

pin to your profile

Note: When you pin a tweet, the old pinned tweet automatically gets unpinned.

How To Pin Someone Else’s Tweet On Android?

The steps to nail someone else’s tweet on android are the same as on iPhone. You can follow the abovementioned steps to pin other people’s tweets to your profile.

  • Find the tweet
  • Retweet icon
  • Tap On Quote Tweet
  • Tweet the comment
  • Go to your profile
  • Find the tweet
  • Click on the three dots
  • Select ‘Pin to Profile.’

And just like that, you can pin a tweet on Twitter that doesn’t belong to you. Yours or a celebrity’s, influencer’s, or a random user’s tweet you came across on your feed! Let me clear the air if you are wondering whether you need the tweet owner’s permission.

No, you don’t need anybody’s permission on Twitter to pin a tweet. If the user’s account is public, you can retweet their tweet and pin it without concerns. You must make your Twitter account private if you don’t want others to retweet or pin your tweets.

How To Pin Other People’s Tweet On PC (Chrome, Firefox, Brave)

You don’t have to use any third-party tool like Twtools to pin someone else’s tweet to your Twitter profile. Just follow the steps to get other people’s tweets pinned to your profile on Twitter:

  • Go to
  • Log in to your account
  • Find the tweet that you want to pin to your profile
  • Click on the Retweet icon

retweet tweet

  • Select the “Quote Tweet” option.

quote tweet-steps

  • Add your unique comment to the tweet and hit the Tweet button.

add comments-tweet

  • Now, go to your Twitter profile page by clicking on Profile from the right navigation menu.
  • Click on the three dots to the right of the tweet you just shared.

three dots icon-steps

  • Select the “Pin To Your Profile” option.

pin to your profile

  • Confirm your decision to pin tweet from another account on Twitter.

pin tweet-steps

How To Pin A Retweet On Twitter?

Twitter doesn’t have a feature to pin a retweet on Twitter, especially if it’s someone else’s retweet. But as always, we have a way to help you pin retweets on Twitter, yours, and others!

  • Open Twitter and find the retweet you wish to pin to your profile
  • Tap on the retweet option at the bottom
  • Choose the quote tweet option and add your unique take on the retweet. It can just be an emoji.
  • Tweet the retweet
  • Then follow the steps mentioned above to pin this retweet to your profile.

No matter whose retweet it is, if you like someone else’s retweet to a tweet or retweet, quote the retweet, and you can pin that particular tweet to your Twitter profile.

How To Unpin A Tweet On Twitter?

One way to delete any tweet is by pinning another tweet. But if you want to remove the pin without adding another pinned tweet, then follow the steps below:

  • Open Twitter app
  • Go to the pinned tweet
  • Click on the three dots 
  • Select the Unpin Tweet option from the list.


Pinning and unpinning your own tweet on Twitter is quite simple. But when pinning someone else’s tweet, you need to quote it before pinning it. Using this simple method, you can pin any tweet or retweet you want on Twitter. It doesn’t matter whether the tweet contains an image or video; the steps to stick a tweet at the top remain the same. For more updates on Twitter updates and the latest features, check our top Twitter guides!