How To Grow A Discord Server?

Here's how to get your Discord server popular!

Creating a Discord server isn’t enough if you want to form a community. You need to know how to grow a Discord server. Because the server which is not growing is considered an inactive community, you can lose your target audience. Luckily there are different ways to do it.

The blog has laid out the ways that can help you know how to grow a Discord server in detail.

How To Grow A Server On Discord?

_How To Grow A Server On Discord

If you want to expand your Discord server using your social media, you can also do it. However, there are fewer chances of only a few people visiting your server. So, to lead more people to your community, you can use other methods mentioned below.

1. Be active

What will you do if you encounter someone passive and dull in nature? Would you like to engage with him? No, right. The same thing happens on social media. We, humans, avoid following and engaging with less active accounts. So, to enlarge your Discord server, be active while streaming, chatting, and replying to your followers.

2. Stick to your niche

If you frequently change your niche, it will affect your server adversely. Some server owners try to provide multiple niches in one but do not understand the circumstance they get afterward. As a user or server owner, sticking to one niche until the end is most important. You must be passionate about your niche and work on that till your last breath. Once you do it, it might take some time to grow your Discord server, but it will certainly help!

3. Advertise it or promote it

Even if you will get fewer people from your social media platforms, it’s a good idea to do that as well.

Are you not promoting your Discord server on your social media? We must say you are making a blunder here. We all know that advertising and promotion are vital in every sector. And when we can do it for free, why not do it? Do not waste your minute after reading these tactics, and share your gaming life on other platforms.

4. Interact with the people

How hard would it be for you to interact with the audience you get love from? However, if you have hectic days or are swamped, you can call Discord bots for you. Discord bots will help you engage with the people you may ask. Bots will talk to your people on the server; they won’t even get the hint that they are talking to bots and not you. Avoid using the bots and spend some time with your audience.

What Are Good Discord Names To Grow The Account?

If you want to change your nickname on Discord and look for a change your nickname on Discord and looking for good suggestions, we must tell you that no matter what your Discord name is, it should be catchy and easy to remember for your audience.

Now you know how to grow a discord server and be in your community’s eyes. Use all these ways to expand your Discord server. Sticking to the niche, advertising your Discord gaming life on other social media, and keeping your bots at work can help you to enlarge your Discord server. While growing your Discord, you can also set your good server rules and be in the right direction.